Sydney and Amp, Peers in Drawing

Sometimes artists complain that creating is a lonely act, but does that always have to be the case? Not in our household! Here you see Sydney and Amp working side by side. Awwww….

In this picture, Amp is working on an illustration for a role-playing game created by Emily Care. It’s unclear what Sydney’s working on, but it involves a lot of scribbles.

Here, as you can see, Sydney offers Amp some constructive criticism.

Oh-oh – someone mentioned what artists get paid, and now they’re both pissed!

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19 Responses to Sydney and Amp, Peers in Drawing

  1. 1
    bilbo says:

    : )
    nice pics Amp.

  2. 2
    B says:

    I am overwhelmed by the amount of talent and personality present in these photographs! Say hi to Sydney from me and tell her that someone in Sweden thinks that she is cool.

  3. 3
    Lynne says:

    Thanks a lot, man. I laughed so hard peas shot out of my nose and I am NOT EVEN EATING PEAS!

  4. 4
    mythago says:

    Tell Sydney she will make much more money as a pornographer!

  5. 5
    The Countess says:

    Those pictures are adorable. With you as a role model, Amp, she’ll end up being an artist. Cool!

  6. 6
    Simon says:

    The madness descends upon the next generation. Long live the proliferation of doodling monkeys!

  7. 7
    Roberta says:

    that was just too cute.!

    I have to say you are a talented artist, I was wondering if you drew all the pictures in this site,

    I guess you answered that with this article.


  8. 8
    Lab Kat says:


  9. 9
    Q Grrl says:

    Heee! Too, too, too adorable!

  10. 10
    AndiF says:

    Wow, how cute!

    And Sydney is darling too.

  11. 11
    thistle says:

    too cute, Amp :)

  12. 12
    trey says:

    great photos… nice smile to my face today..

  13. 13
    Sydney's Nanna Sally says:

    Barry … every journal entry of baby blogging with Sydney gives me oodles of smiles and outright giggles and laughs! What ever are you going to do when Maddox comes along and gets big enough to want to join in? You’re gonna end up looking like the Pied Piper!!!!

    H&K, Nanna Sally

  14. 14
    La Lubu says:

    So……when does her work go into Sydney-cation, hm?

    Looks like she really digs “Uncle Amp”!

  15. 15
    Mitaralu says:

    That’s the cutest thing I’ve seen in ages. She’s so precious!

  16. 16
    alsis39 says:

    Wait ! Artists get PAID !!! That can’t be right !!

  17. 17
    Brian Vaughan says:

    That’s so damned cute, it’s almost frightening. If you can work a kitten or puppy into that routine, I might go into hyperglaecemic shock.

    I’m also noticing that Sydney’s expression in the last photo looks curiously like that of the fellow with the mohawk in the sidebar on the right.

  18. 18
    Morgaine Swann says:

    Thank you for sharing those wonderful pictures. I needed to laugh. She’s just precious!

  19. 19
    Gaia says:

    Adorable! Time to click and add your wonderful RSS to my Bloglines.
