Please Call Karen Minnis Today! Right Now! Please!

Who is Karen Minnis, you ask?

She’s the Speaker of the House in Oregon. And she’s the main barrier standing in the way of Civil Unions for lesbians and gays in Oregon.

Basic Rights Oregon believes that they have the votes needed to pass a Civil Union bill in Oregon – but that can only happen if Karen Minnis allows SB1000, the Oregon Civil Union Bill, to be voted on. As the BRO Blog says:

Call Speaker Minnis now at 503-986-1200 and tell her:

  • The people of Oregon ought to know where their representatives stand on SB 1000.
  • Bring SB 1000 to an up or down vote on the House floor immediately.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an Oregonian or not – give Karen a call, and ask her (politely is more effective) to let the House vote on SB1000. And if you’re an Oregonian, BRO has some additional suggestions for you.

And if you’re a blogger, please consider linking to this post, or BRO’s post, ASAP.

I don’t do a lot of posts like this, because I want to save them for times when I really think calls can make a difference. Today is probably the essential day, and calling takes thirty seconds. Civil Unions aren’t the ultimate goal, but they can mean a hell of a lot – they can mean insurance, and hospital visitation, just for a start. Please call Karen today.

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13 Responses to Please Call Karen Minnis Today! Right Now! Please!

  1. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Matt and I both called and we also let others know to call. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. Rook says:

    Does she have an (public) e-mail address? I’m an Oregonian, and I’d like to send a message, but I’m a lot more articulate with the written word.

  3. Morthis says:

    Does it matter whether we make a phone call or send an email? An email would be easier for me, but I’m afraid that email will have less of an impact. Any thoughts on this?

  4. Ampersand says:

    I’ve been told that phone calls are paid more attention to, although I’m sure an email is better than nothing.

  5. Kai Jones says:

    I called her, as well as my senator Kate Brown and representative Diane Rosenbaum. Left messages, that is.

  6. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Here’s the press release:

    SALEM…House Republicans have used an underhanded maneuver to prevent discussion of Senate Bill 1000, the bipartisan nondiscrimination and civil unions bill that the Senate passed last week, House Democratic Leader Jeff Merkley (D-Portland) said Thursday.

    “Eight hundred Oregonians attended a rally at the Capitol yesterday, and asked for a full floor debate of Senate Bill 1000,” Merkley said. “The House Republican leadership has responded with a cynical and underhanded maneuver designed to block any such debate. This action violates the fundamental principles of democratic government, where open debate is the key to good public policy. The people of Oregon deserve better.”

    Senate Bill 1000, as passed by the Senate, would end discrimination in jobs and housing based on sexual identity, and would establish civil unions for same-sex partners.

    House Speaker Karen Minnis (R-Wood Village) referred SB 1000 to the House Committee on State and Federal Affairs on Thursday. Committee Chair Wayne Krieger (R-Gold Beach) then convened an immediate work session on the bill and banned the public, advocates, and legislators from testifying on the bill. Over Democrats’ objections, Republican members of the committee gutted the bill and substituted a “reciprocal benefits” bill, which would provide contractual rights for same-sex partners. The Republicans then referred the bill to the House Budget Committee without discussion or debate.

    “The Republicans provided no public notice before taking this action,” Merkley charged. “They allowed no testimony, and they allowed no debate. That’s no way to run a democracy.”

    The Republicans’ maneuvers, Merkley charged, guarantee that the Senate version of SB 1000 can never receive a floor debate in the House. House rules prevent the minority Democrats from offering a substitute version of any bill in the Budget Committee. Merkley charged that SB 1000 is a “policy” bill, not a budget bill, and that the Speaker acted improperly by sending it to the Budget Committee.

    “The Speaker’s maneuvers are fundamentally undemocratic,” charged Merkley. “Major civil rights legislation should rise above partisan politics. The Speaker should not sweep this matter under a rug. Every House member should study the issue, search his or her heart, and consult with constituents. Every House member should be willing to debate and vote on this issue on the floor the House. All Oregonians deserve to know where their Representatives stand on this important issue.”

    Merkley vowed to work until the end of the session to bring the bill to the floor of the House for a full debate.

  7. alsis39 says:

    Done. Everyone may now congratulate me for my tactful avoidance of the phrases “shame on you,” “you asshole” and “eat me, Bigot.”

    [bows] Thank You.

  8. Junniper says:

    Amen, folks. I called and emailed! This is out of hand! If it doesn’t get passed by 3pm on Monday, it falls into exile for 2 years!!!

  9. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Done. Everyone may now congratulate me for my tactful avoidance of the phrases “shame on you,” “you asshole” and “eat me, Bigot.”

    I already failed that particular litmus test today on the other thread dealing with this by going off on Mr. “Sperm&Egg” Howard, as he sanctimoniously came in to share his opinion on the travesty acted out on and against the people of Oregon yesterday.

    I just got this email from Rep. Shauffler’s assistant:

    Dear Kim:

    Thank you for your interest and support of civil rights in Oregon. I am the mother of a gay son, so I can understand that feeling of obligation to speak up for the rights of the people closest to us.

    Of course policy bills like SB 1000 don’t belong in a budget committee, the bill was sent there in order to prevent a majority of legislators in the House from using procedural methods to go around the Speaker and bring the bill to a vote. These procedural options are prohibited for bills in the Budget Committee.

    This move by the Speaker is an embarrassment to the state of Oregon in my opinion. I will keep you informed of any further action taken on this bill. What can and will be done, I don’t know.

    Thanks again for your note.

    Annette Rose

  10. alsis39 says:

    Kim wrote:

    I already failed that particular litmus test today on the other thread dealing with this by going off on Mr. “Sperm&Egg” Howard, as he sanctimoniously came in to share his opinion on the travesty acted out on and against the people of Oregon yesterday.

    Yeah, but you’re as American as baseball, hotdogs, apple pie and Ch*vr*l*t, Kim. So you have a little more lattitude than noncomformists like me.

    I kept hoping that Howard’s little episode(s) was/were just someone’s really sick idea of a joke. I guess I was wrong. :/

  11. Jeff says:

    It’s time to take on Karen in a big way. Make her life miserable and picket her home and harass her family-This [censored] needs to know the full power of the gay community-

  12. Consider joining together with those of us over at DFO Action in our efforts to defeat her in 2006.

    Even thought she outspent Rob Brading 7 to 1, she was only able to beat him by less than 7%. That’s after winning an election 2 years prior by more than 20%.

    We’ve got to band together to help defeat this woman, as well as win a handful of other seats so we’ll have control of the House.

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