A few recent links to "Alas"

The Smegmaster thinks we’re a bunch of idiots. However, Just Between Strangers thinks Nick is cool (and I’m sure we all agree!). And Moosk at Elegy to Lost Youth takes a look at Sydney and decides it’s time to get knocked up.

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8 Responses to A few recent links to "Alas"

  1. Nick Kiddle says:

    Oh dear, did I damage the pro-choice cause by comparing abortion to removing body hair? There was me thinking I was commenting on the variety of ways in which people’s feelings about their bodies can differ. Stupid me, I must choose my analogies with more care in future.

  2. Apologies for my shall we say “heated” rhetoric. I think the choice of words just caught me at a bad time and I went a little off the deep end for it.


  3. ol cranky says:

    rape is a subset of sex while wanted pregnany & unwanted pregnancy are contradictory? What, this guy think rape is just sex in which one partner doesn’t have an orgasm?

  4. JoKeR says:

    I agree that Nick’s postings have been very welcome. So how come she isn’t mentioned in the “About the Bloggers” sidebar?


  5. alsis39 says:

    If National Lampoon had its own take-off on the Transformers, I could definitely imagine the team leader being called “Smegmaster.”

    Thanks for the backhanded compliment, Smeggie. If two negatives multiplied make a positive, being branded an idiot by someone with such an idiotic brand name must mean we’re pretty smart over here.

  6. Antigone says:

    Ah, I feel special. I was noticed in the blogsphere by someone I’ve never heard of before and probably never notice again.

  7. Kristjan Wager says:

    It’s a special feeling, isn’t it Antigone? I was once quoted at a right-winged blog for a comment I made in TalkLeft, which was used as an example of everything that was wrong with the pro-choice side.
    Given the content of the site in general, I’m pretty happy to be on the other side of the debate from that particular crowd.

  8. Nick Kiddle says:

    I agree that Nick’s postings have been very welcome. So how come she isn’t mentioned in the “About the Bloggers” sidebar?

    I’m not a proper blogger here yet, especially since I’m still maintaining my own blog for personal stuff at The Iron-On Line. Feel free to look there if you want to know more about me.

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