I’m thrilled to announce that Hereville: How Mirka Met a Meteorite has won the 2013 Cybil Award for best middle-grade graphic novel!
You can see the full list of winners here. Congratulations to all my fellow winners. Congrats as well to all the nominees in my category: Matt Phelan, John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, Nate Powell, Nathan Hale, Jennifer Holm, Matthew Holm, and Greg Ruth.
It’s an amazing list (John Lewis? When will I ever again be on the same list as John Lewis?), and I really am honored to be on it.
WOW. Go, Amp, go!
Congratulations! I’m not that familiar with the other nominated works but they all look very interesting, and it seems that this was a great year to be nominated, let alone win.
Hurray! It’s well deserved.
Congratulations! [Edited to remove a joke where I mixed up Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry. I am hanging my head in shame.]
You could have gone with “I regret I have but one life to give for my country” instead. :-)
Thanks! :-)
That’s great news, Amp! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Amp.
Congratulations, Amp!
Congratulations! My daughter just finished Hereville 1 and 2 and has a request: please write Hereville 3.
Please tell your daughter that Hereville 3 is written, but it will take me a while more to draw it. ;-)
Also, if you think your daughter would enjoy being emailed a quick Hereville sketch signed to her, let me know. :-)
Best, Barry
Congratulations, Ampersand!
This is a bit off-topic, but related to your writing prowess–I recently realized I have been reading Alas for almost a decade! I think I started reading sometime in 2005. It has managed to stay one of my favorite reads that entire time, something I can say about no other blog.
Oddly, this makes Alas one of the more consistent things in my life–more consistent than the city where I live or the name others call me! I’m sure others can think of a few surprising things that reading Alas has outlasted, haha.
Barry, she would absolutely love a sketch!