Hereville Wins A Cybil Award

I’m thrilled to announce that Hereville: How Mirka Met a Meteorite has won the 2013 Cybil Award for best middle-grade graphic novel!


You can see the full list of winners here. Congratulations to all my fellow winners. Congrats as well to all the nominees in my category: Matt Phelan, John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, Nate Powell, Nathan Hale, Jennifer Holm, Matthew Holm, and Greg Ruth.

It’s an amazing list (John Lewis? When will I ever again be on the same list as John Lewis?), and I really am honored to be on it.

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14 Responses to Hereville Wins A Cybil Award

  1. nobody.really says:

    WOW. Go, Amp, go!

  2. Eytan Zweig says:

    Congratulations! I’m not that familiar with the other nominated works but they all look very interesting, and it seems that this was a great year to be nominated, let alone win.

  3. Jake Squid says:

    Hurray! It’s well deserved.

  4. Harlequin says:

    Congratulations! [Edited to remove a joke where I mixed up Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry. I am hanging my head in shame.]

  5. Ampersand says:

    [Edited to remove a joke where I mixed up Nathan Hale and Patrick Henry. I am hanging my head in shame.]

    You could have gone with “I regret I have but one life to give for my country” instead. :-)

  6. mythago says:


  7. That’s great news, Amp! Congratulations!

  8. JutGory says:

    Congratulations, Amp.

  9. Grace Annam says:

    Congratulations, Amp!


  10. Dianne says:

    Congratulations! My daughter just finished Hereville 1 and 2 and has a request: please write Hereville 3.

  11. Ampersand says:

    Please tell your daughter that Hereville 3 is written, but it will take me a while more to draw it. ;-)

    Also, if you think your daughter would enjoy being emailed a quick Hereville sketch signed to her, let me know. :-)

    Best, Barry

  12. rimonim says:

    Congratulations, Ampersand!

    This is a bit off-topic, but related to your writing prowess–I recently realized I have been reading Alas for almost a decade! I think I started reading sometime in 2005. It has managed to stay one of my favorite reads that entire time, something I can say about no other blog.

    Oddly, this makes Alas one of the more consistent things in my life–more consistent than the city where I live or the name others call me! I’m sure others can think of a few surprising things that reading Alas has outlasted, haha.

  13. Dianne says:

    Barry, she would absolutely love a sketch!

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