Monday Baby Blogging: Sydney Feeds Bubbles to Bean

So Bean was blowing bubbles at Sydney…

But after a little while of this….

Sydney sensibly decided that she’d better take control of the process.

She tried blowing bubbles a few times, and that didn’t quite work out.

So instead, she decided to feed the bubble solution to Bean. Alas, Bean refused to cooperate.

..A turn of events which both Sydney and Bean found hilarious.

Sydney kept trying and trying to feed bubble solution to Bean; and Bean kept on sucking in her lips and shaking her head, “no! no!,” and every time they went through the cycle Sydney laughed harder and harder.

And the moral of the story is… uh… well, I guess, it’s that you should go ahead and feed bubble solution to people, maybe it’ll be fun.

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3 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Sydney Feeds Bubbles to Bean

  1. Robert says:

    It is such a shame that this kid so totally lacks charm, cuteness, and camera appeal.

  2. Antigone says:

    I think he’s being ironic. You are, right Robert?

  3. Robert says:

    That would be telling.

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