Monday Baby Blogging: Mother-Daughter Nap

As Kim (basement variety)’s pregnancy goes on, napping has become a more important part of Kim’s daily life – and naps have always been part of Sydney’s agenda. (Sydney’s sister will arrive in less than two weeks, by the way – very exciting!)

As a bonus, here’s a cute shot of Sydney snapped by her dad (or maybe by Kim, I’m not sure) at a wedding we attended this past Saturday.

Damn, but she’s a pretty child. Doesn’t stop her from wrecking havoc in her secret identity as destructo-girl, though.

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4 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Mother-Daughter Nap

  1. Q Grrl says:



  2. RowanCrisp says:

    Congratulations on the imminent – I found that the closer I got the more I slept. (Strangely, the closer I got, the more milk I drank as well – got up to two gallons every three days or so.)

    Good luck, and your bebe is adorable!

  3. LAmom says:

    We’re pulling for you, Kim! Have a great birth!

  4. Nick Fagerlund says:

    Wow, this’ll have to turn into Monday Toddler Blogging soon.

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