Mandolin Nominated for a Hugo Award


This year’s Hugo Award Nominees have been announced, and I’m thrilled to report that Mandolin’s beautiful “If You Were A Dinosaur, My Love” is nominated for best short story.

(The same story is also up for a Nebula Award.)

The other three nominees in the short story category are:

• “The Ink Readers of Doi Saket” by Thomas Olde Heuvelt

• “Selkie Stories Are for Losers” by Sofia Samatar

• “The Water That Falls on You from Nowhere” by John Chu

Congratulations, Mandolin!

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4 Responses to Mandolin Nominated for a Hugo Award

  1. 1
    delurking says:


    I’m also really pleased about Ann Leckie’s nomination for Ancillary Justice, and Kameron Hurley’s for We Have Always Fought. And Foz Meadows too!

  2. 2
    Jake Squid says:

    Congratulations, Mandolin!

  3. 3
    RonF says:

    Mandolin, my heartiest congratulations!