Monday Baby Blogging: Hanging Out With Daddy

Upside Down Baby!

Here’s Sydney being carted around by her dad Matt. Odd how happy she looks in this photo – when Matt picks me up by my ankles, it just pisses me off. Some people just have weird tastes.

Upside Down Baby!

Okay, you can barely see Sydney in this photo, but it’s such a cute pic of Matt I couldn’t resist including it.

Upside Down Baby!

More upside-down Sydney, this time giving the photographer some sass.

Upside Down Baby!

This photo was taken by Sydney while I was holding her and she was playing with the camera hanging around my neck. She totally groks the concept of taking photos – she picks up the camera and aims it, and she presses the shutter button. Her only problem is that she does these two things sequentially, rather than simultaneously.

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6 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Hanging Out With Daddy

  1. What a doll! You’re very lucky.

  2. nobody.really says:

    …when Matt picks me up by my ankles, it just pisses me off.

    Like that ol’ birthday card sez:

    “So today’s the anniversary of the day someone held you upside down and swatted your butt. Nice to see you still like that sort of thing….”

  3. Lab Kat says:

    As always, Sydney steals the show.

  4. acm says:

    I dunno… that Matt is a cutie! eep!

  5. flea says:

    I love the pictures of Sydney. She is adorable!

  6. Tiger Spot says:

    1. Sydney’s adorable.
    2. Matt’s adorable.
    3. The rainbow pants are adorable. Where’d they come from?

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