Lies, Hypocrisy and Same-Sex Marriage

A lot of people are lying or double-dealing about Same-Sex Marriage lately….

Anti-SSM Signature Gatherers Trick Voters Into Signing Petitions

The Boston Globe reports that anti-equality signature gatherers have used trickery to get people to sign the anti-gay-marriage initiative petition.

She said that when she signed the wine initiative, a woman who was collecting names told her that she needed to sign somewhere else, too. Only when she pressed, Sacks said, was she told that the second signature was for the gay-marriage question.

”I was so upset about the whole thing,” said Sacks, a freelance researcher who lives in Worcester. ”It was completely egregious. It was completely misleading. It was completely incorrect.”

The pro-gay marriage group MassEquality[…] said yesterday that they have received more than 40 complaints so far.

UPDATE: A new Boston Globe article on this issue.

Anti-SSM Leaders Cite Fake Medical Organization

The Canadian Conference on Catholic Bishops and The Bishop of Calgary are among the many anti-SSM folks to cite a group called “The American College of Pediatricians,” which claims that scientific evidence shows that children are endangered if they’re raised by same-sex couples. Boy, a group called “The American College of Pediatricians” must be official and scientific, right?

Actually, the “ACP” is an anti-gay front group with a single employee. It seems likely that they use a deceptive name in hopes that people will confuse them with an actual medical organization, the 60,000-member American Academy of Pediatrics.

Howard Dean Thinks Being Anti-SSM Is Only Objectionable In Republicans

The Washington Blade notes that Howard Dean has been ripping into Governor Arnold for his vetoing of same-sex marriage. But Dean himself is anti-SSM in the same way Arnold is, saying that Vermont’s existing civil union laws – which are very similar to California’s existing domestic partnership laws – should be good enough for queers. How can Dean call Arnold a homophobe for supporting the exact same status quo that Dean himself favors in Vermont? What a hypocrite!

More Anti-SSM Lies About The Netherlands

This post on the Brussels Journal website makes it sound as if polygamous marriage has been legalized in the Netherlands – causing it to be linked to by SSM opponents far and wide: “Victor de Bruijn (46) from Roosendaal ‘married’ both Bianca (31) and Mirjam (35) in a ceremony before a notary who duly registered their civil union.”

But Lee Badgett, an economist at the University of Massachusetts who has studied the impact of SSM in the Netherlands, says the translation isn’t honest:

This article is ridiculous. Don’t be fooled—Dutch law does not allow [legally recognized] polygamy, including legal recognition for this kind of threesome. The Dutch registered partnership law (see below) very clearly does not allow this kind of partnership. The blogger whose link you quote mistranslated (deliberately, I suspect) the Dutch word “samenlevingscontract”, which is a private cohabitation contract that this threesome apparently signed, as “civil union” and “marriage”. But “civil unions” don’t exist in the Netherlands…the correct legal term is registered partnerships (the proper translation of the Dutch term).

From Book 1 of Dutch Civil Code (translated by Ian Sumner and Hans Warendorf):
Article 80a.

1. A person may only be involved in one registered partnership with one other person whether of the same or of opposite sex at any one time.
2. Persons who enter into a registered partnership may not at the same time be married.

“Bi-Positional” Mayor of NYC Praises SSM in Public, Opposes It In Court

And NYC mayor Mike Bloomburg, who vocally courted the queer-friendly vote (which is pretty essential in New York City) and stated his support for same-sex marriage, has been quietly fighting SSM in court.

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9 Responses to Lies, Hypocrisy and Same-Sex Marriage

  1. 1
    Glaivester says:

    1. A person may only be involved in one registered partnership with one other person whether of the same or of opposite sex at any one time.
    2. Persons who enter into a registered partnership may not at the same time be married.

    So does that mean that this three-way partnership did not occur, does it mean that it wasn’t legal, or does it mean that someone decided that damn the law, they would authorize one anyway?

    Moreover, is there a difference between a “registered partnership” and a ‘civil union?”

  2. 2
    Glaivester says:

    To be honest, the fact that the law “doesn’t allow” three-way partnerships doesn’t mean much if they can get a judge who determines that that provision is discriminatory and therefore void; at least if Holland is like the US.

  3. 3
    Jesurgislac says:

    Glaivester, Dutch law permits three forms of legal relationship:

    1. Marriage, open to same-sex or mixed-sex couples.
    2. Registered partnership, open to same-sex or mixed-sex couples. This might also be called a civil union.
    Differences explained in detail here .

    3. Cohabitation contract, or “samenlevingscontract”, which is a legal contract that (unlike marriage or registered partnership) affects only the people who actually sign the contract.

    To be clear, Bianca and Victor de Bruijn signed a Samenlevingscontract (or “cohabitation agreement”) with Mirjam Geven last Friday. The trio define their relationship as a three-way marriage, which in law it is not: the de Bruijn couple are married to each other, and Bianca, Victor, and Mirjam are all now in a samenlevingscontract. They are entitled to call their cohabitation agreement a “marriage” if they want to, but it does not have the same legal force as marriage, or indeed as registered partnership. Dutch law does not permit more than two people to enter into marriage or registered partnership.

  4. 4
    Andrew says:

    Boy, a group called “The American College of Pediatricians” must be official and scientific, right?

    Especially one founded as long ago as 2002.

  5. 5
    NancyP says:

    That American College of Pediatricians is an organisation with less than 200 members, formed from a rump group of pediatricians who left the American ACADEMY of Pediatrics, the 40,000-odd member organisation of board certified pediatricians that overwhelmingly endorsed a statement that the preponderance of scientific evidence indicated no significant difference between quality of het. and lgbt parenting. The Academy has formal admission requirements and publishes a widely read scientific journal. The College has no admission requirements, and publishes press releases only.

  6. 6
    Robert says:

    Is “hypocripsy” a social disorder caused by a shortage of members of the Crips, leading to an undue influence of the Bloods?

    Just curious.

  7. 7
    Ampersand says:


    I mean… fixed!

  8. 8
    Robert says:

    The Dutch triple marriage imbroglio/hoaxette reminds me of something I read years ago – someone was attempting some verbal persiflage with intent to fudge, and the listener called him out.
    “If we agree to call a tail a leg, how many legs does a sheep have?”
    “Why, five, of course.”
    “No, four – calling a sheep’s tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”

  9. 9
    Susan says:

    “Triads” are as old as the hills.

    I am personally acquainted with two. One is one man and two women; the other, two women and one man.

    Both have been together for many years. Both groups are grandparents.

    So, what? So shoot them?

    Grow up. Western civilization is not hereby under attack.