Monday Baby Blogging – Welcome Maddox!

Maddox arrives

On Saturday, Maddox Aziel Baker Schlotte- daughter of “Alas” co-blogger Kim (basement variety!) and Kim’s hubby Matt, and sister of Sydney – arrived with some assistance from a bunch of people wearing masks. I don’t remember exactly what time she was born – I think it may have been 11:45am. Maddox weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces at birth, and is 20 inches tall.

Lots of photos in this entry, so click below if you’d like to see ’em. And be sure to leave comments – Kim is eager to read them!

Maddox arrives

The last photo taken of Kim (bv!) during her pregnancy.

Maddox arrives

The first photo of Maddox, I think. I love these sorts of instantly-after-birth photos, although I’m not sure why. Right now, this is my desktop image.

Maddox arrives

Matt, Maddox and Kim, in the O.R..

Maddox arrives

Happy Kim!

Maddox arrives

Maddox is about to get her first shower (or sink, as the case may be).

Maddox arrives

Matt grabs a quick meal of hot noodles. Less experienced parents may not want to attempt this maneuver – if you mix up which arm is which and drink your newborn while cuddling your soup, no one will be pleased.

Maddox arrives

At first they alternated between holding Maddox and putting Maddox in the incubator, but after a while it became clear that Maddox slept better if someone was holding her.

Maddox arrives


Maddox arrives

Sydney napping on the hospital room couch. No Maddox in this photo, I know, but the picture (which was taken by Charles) was so good I couldn’t resist including it.

Maddox arrives

Sydney and Maddox together. I don’t think Sydney yet understands that Maddox is going to go home with them when they leave the hospital (on Tuesday).

Maddox arrives

We were worried about possible jealousy issues, but so far Sydney is affectionate towards Maddox – she likes to pet Maddox’s head, and when Maddox cries Sydney informs the adults in the room (“uh-oh! Baby cry!”). Kim and Matt also have to fend off Sydney’s attempts to pick up her little sister.

Maddox arrives

Maddox with yours truly. That’s Maddox’s and Sydney’s uncle, Danny, asleep in the background.

Maddox arrives

More Sydney and Maddox.

Maddox arrives

Again, awwwwww.

Maddox arrives

Everybody sleep now.

Remember to leave comments!

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48 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging – Welcome Maddox!

  1. Krupskaya says:

    Congratulations on the birth of Maddox! Best wishes to all. Welcome, Maddox, and special congrats to Sidney on her ascension to Big Sister. It is a noble position full of wise power.

    Those pictures? I think I just ovulated.

  2. La Lubu says:

    Awww! Too cute! What a little darling!

    Congratulations!!! Kiss those little baby feet for me, willya?

  3. LAmom says:

    Congratulations! Maddox looks wonderful!

    And Sydney looks so sweet with her. The beginning of a beautiful friendship, no doubt.

  4. alsis38 says:

    Now I can’t get that corny Pretenders song out of my head.

    :) So glad that everyone’s doing so well.

  5. Robert says:

    Bravo, Kim and family. Looks like another keeper! Blessings on all.

  6. PurrpleGrrl says:

    Congrats! And she totally doesn’t have that freaky angry-old-man newborn look to her! : )

  7. media girl says:

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Beautiful day, beautiful baby! I am so happy for you, Kim!

  8. neha says:

    Been reading for some time, but this is the first post that pushed me out of the feed reader and comment here. Love and blessings for the Mom and Baby.. Such lovely snaps! :))

  9. What a cutie…doesn’t even have that ‘too new born look’! Congratulations! Yipee! Another feminista for the battle ahead. . .hope we’ll have won many if not all by the time she’s in her 30s. Once again congratulations!

  10. Nella says:

    Aww, she looks kind of dazed in the first one. But very cute.

  11. Jesurgislac says:

    Aw, they’re gorgeous! Maddox and Sydney, and both of them together. Congratulations to you all!

  12. Barbara says:

    Beautiful baby, and great pictures. My second baby was 7 lbs. 12 oz. , and I always thought she was just the right size. Congratulations!!!

  13. Jake Squid says:

    Congratulations (from NY & a borrowed computer – well, and from me, too).

    And you know that I will be calling her “Mad Dog,” right?

    See you all a week from Saturday.

  14. Ledasmom says:

    Awww, she’s really cute – and I’m really glad I’m not the one with a newborn.

  15. Lee says:

    Congrats! What a cutie! Excellent pictures of everyone, too. Thanks for sharing.

  16. mousehounde says:

    Congratulations, Kim! Best wishes to you all.

    And Jake is right. “Mad Dog” Maddox it is. ;D.

  17. Vincent says:

    Yay! Congratulations to everyone!

  18. binky says:

    Oh my goodness what a bunch of cuties! Congratulations!

  19. Lab Kat says:

    Congrats to the entire family. A beautiful baby!

  20. Sheelzebub says:

    Congratulations! What a cutie!

  21. Q Grrl says:

    Oh yea! Congratulations!


  22. Congratulations!!! Glad to see mom and little Maddox are doing great!

  23. ScottM says:

    Congratulations. I’m glad to see everyone doing so well. Hope that health remains with you all (plus one) as you return home.

  24. RonF says:

    Cute all around. Love the sibling pictures especially! Congratulations and may God bless you all even more than He obviously already has.

  25. Tiger Spot says:

    Awwww, cute! I like all you helper-types lurking about falling asleep in the background. that is going to be one well-taken-care-of baby.

  26. mythago says:

    Mazel tov!

  27. AndiF says:

    Congrats and best wishes.

    I’m sure that it will only be a matter of days before Sydney is taking her little sister aside and giving away all her secrets on how to get Amp to play nice with you.

    Monday baby-blogging times 2! I’m going to have to recalibrate my cuteness meter.

  28. Tuomas says:

    Congrats for the second awesome daughter!

  29. Tapetum says:

    Congratulations! One very pink and cute baby. Welcome to Maddox.

  30. Susan says:


  31. Monkey Testicle says:

    Congratulations! This is a most joyous occasion.

  32. Suzanne says:

    Congratulations to Kim and the rest of the family! Best of luck. Not that it seems anyone will need it. Clearly Maddox and Sydney are both surrounded by plenty of love.

  33. drublood says:

    Yay! Congrats all around!

  34. Jillian says:


    Mega-congratulations! Just when it seems like the whole world is nothing more than a giant turd sandwich, someone goes and brings a little more beauty and joy and love into it. Every baby born wanted into a loving family makes the world a better place – and the gorgeous pictures sure brightened up my little corner of it, as well.

    Here’s wishing the little one a life as joyous as any two parents could hope for.

  35. Amanda says:

    Congratulations! Well done! Cigars all around!

  36. Angie says:

    Very cute!!!
    Congrats!! :)

  37. RowanCrisp says:


    Isn’t it nice to have a toddler in the house who is welcoming to the baby? Our two year old’s been perfectly happy for the past five weeks that Medea’s been home.

    May you and yours have all the happiness possible on earth.


  38. Rachel Ann says:

    Oh what a sweetie! I love the pic of Sydney patting Maddox. May she bring you years of happiness and joy (and keep you up at night and get into at least a couple of mild jams throughout her life.)

  39. Antigone says:


    I pray to whatever deity I don’t believe in that may or may not exsist that Sydney and baby Maddox get along. Being first child, I know that the little-kid narcism acts up when you realize that you have more competition for parent’s and friends’ attention.

  40. ginmar says:

    Oh, how cute. I don’t even like kids but I’ll make an exception for these two.

  41. Lauren says:

    What a sweet family! Congratulations all around!

  42. flea says:

    She’s so beautiful! Congratulations to the entire Alas family!

  43. Crystal says:

    Congratulations to Kim and Matt! What a lovely family!

  44. Radfem says:

    Congratulations, and thanks for sharing your pictures… :-)

  45. beachcomber says:

    Congrats to the household on the addition of Maddox. What a beauty!

  46. Benjamin Fredrick Schlotte says:

    Dear Matt, Congrats On Your latest Family Addition. From Your Long Lost Cousin

  47. Wedad Schlotte says:

    Deaer Mat: our father Bob was here at San Digo today. Jim, Jack and your Dad went to Fallbrook to see Grandma Kruze. Kisses to Kim, Sidney and Madox. Uncle Jack, told me that he saw Ben’s names on your blog. stay in touch!

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