Welcome Andrea Elspeth!

Here’s some wonderful news from the “Alas” inbox:

Nick asked me to email you to let you know that Andrea Elspeth was born at twenty to 1 yesterday (Wednesday) morning and weighed in at 7lbs 2 oz. They are both healthy and well although Nick is a little tired and battered by the experience.

Enjoy the good news

Whooo-hooo! Maziltov, Nick!

That’s all the info I have at this point. Nick promised me that photos will eventually be posted (possibly not for a couple of weeks, however).

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38 Responses to Welcome Andrea Elspeth!

  1. Myca says:

    Congratulations Nick! That’s wonderful!

    My wish for you is that Andrea be as lovely, courageous, and outspoken as her mother.


  2. alsis39 says:

    :) Mazel Tov, etc.

  3. ErikaGillian says:

    I was just starting to worry about Nick again. Wonderful news! And I share Myca’s wishes for Nick and Andrea.

  4. Jesurgislac says:

    Congratulations to Nick for a beautiful baby daughter, and congratulations to Andrea Elspeth for a wonderful and courageous parent.

  5. Spicy says:

    Hey! Congrats! Hope it wasn’t to painful and that you and baby are oing fine.

  6. sennoma says:

    Mazel Tov!

  7. Lisa A says:

    Congratulations from somebody you don’t know at all… but I love your work and wish you and Andrea all the best.

  8. AndiF says:

    What everybody else said + 1.

    (And may I just say that Nick has excellent taste in first names.)

  9. silverside says:

    Congratulations! And remember the best advise I always heard: sleep when the baby sleeps! Go easy on yourself, and don’t knock yourself out trying to be “productive.” If you can get a shower in in a 24-hour period, you’re doing good. Hope you have loving support around you.

  10. mythago says:

    Mazel tov!

  11. TP says:


  12. Rachel Ann says:

    Mazel Tov!!!! Until 120 years all in good health of body, mind, heart and soul.

  13. Lu says:

    Mazel Tov, Nick and Andrea!

  14. VK says:


  15. Sheelzebub says:

    Welcome to the world Andrea Elspeth!

    Congratulations, Nick!

  16. RonF says:

    Congratulations, Nick!

  17. Robert says:

    Happy birthday, new arrival. Congratulations, Nick!

  18. Josh Jasper says:


  19. Krupskaya says:

    Mazel tov, and welcome, Andrea!

  20. RowanCrisp says:

    Yay, Nick! Welcome to the world, Andrea Elspeth.

  21. Denise says:

    Congratulations on a successful pregnancy and good luck in the coming months with parenting. :)

  22. Susan says:

    I don’t know you guys, but my heart is glad! What a cool name!

    I think we should have at least one newspaper in this country devoted to GOOD NEWS ONLY. Andrea would make the first page!

  23. Raznor says:

    The circle of life and all that other stuff. Congrats Nick, here’s hoping Andrea has a long, happy life ahead of her.

  24. nolo says:

    Congratulations, Nick!! And a beautiful name your daughter has.

  25. Barbara says:

    Wonderful news, beautiful name, very glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Rest and rejoice in your new creation!

  26. Nick Kiddle says:

    Just checking in very quickly from hospital to say that Andrea and I are doing very well and should be home some time later today. Thanks everyone for your congratulations and I promise I’ll be back with more details as soon as I can.

  27. Mendy says:

    Glad to know that you and Andrea are doing well. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

  28. mousehounde says:

    Excellent! I am glad you are both doing well. Andrea Elspeth is a lovely name. Any chance of baby pictures in the near future?

  29. Q Grrl says:

    weeeeeeeeee! Congrats Nick and Andrea.


  30. Samantha says:

    All the best to you and the little one, Nick.

  31. Tuomas says:

    Great news! Congratulations (and one more vote for “excellent choice in first names” -camp)!

  32. Jake Squid says:

    Please let me add my belated congratulations.

  33. LAmom says:

    Congratulations, Nick and Andrea! Best wishes to you both!

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