Monday Baby Blogging – Geek Edition

One of the great things about two year olds is that they don’t yet realize that Mommy and Daddy dress you like a geek because they think it’s funny.

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13 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging – Geek Edition

  1. 1
    Josh Jasper says:

    OMG, I am so glad my parents didn’t have the internet.

    PS. Keep the baby away from the cuisinart.

  2. 2
    werefish says:

    If she were any sweeter she’d be made of sugar.

    And I would totally love a hat like that.

  3. 3
    Antigone says:

    Seriously, Amp, you are going to be paying for the therapy bills.

  4. 4
    lucia says:

    Who made the poncho? (Her sister needs a matching one. )

  5. 5
    Jakobpunkt says:

    Dude! I want an outfit like that! I love the plaid cuffs! And the poncho! And the hat!

    I wouldn’t necessarily wear them all at the same time, though…

  6. 6
    lucia says:

    Come on Jakobpumkt. That yarn has just got to be Red Heart. Spend the $7, buy some, and crochet yourself one in less than an hour!

  7. 7
    eldgie says:

    oh my, what a cutie! I can’t wait to become a grandma! (Not that there’s anything happening with my kids just yet…)

  8. 8
    wookie says:

    Yikes. My kid has the same pants as Sydney.
    However, she comes up with her creative outfits on her own:
    pink and purple striped touque, red/green flowered gardening gloves, hot-pink pants, red rubber rainboots, blue flowered sunglasses and neon green tank top (it was summer) topped with a bright red dress with black and white cows.

  9. 9
    Mendy says:

    I think my daughter has that exact same hat and she wears hers with a purple crocheted poncho. Seriously though, she’s a real cutie pie. :)

  10. 10
    Jakobpunkt says:

    Are you kidding, lucia? Do you have any idea how much knitting I have to do between now and christmas? Things for me will have to wait until the new year, when my hands have recovered and my yarn budget is a little healthier.

  11. 11
    Barbara says:

    Looks like pretty standard little girl stuff to me, not geeky at all . . . just you wait until Sydney looks at her parents with her big eyes and says, “this is how I LIKE to dress. I LIKE pink.” She really is adorable.

  12. 12
    pervy_blakeney says:

    Geeky? What are you talking about? That’s *awesome.* I would wear that.

  13. 13
    Ampersand says:

    Looks like pretty standard little girl stuff to me, not geeky at all . . . just you wait until Sydney looks at her parents with her big eyes and says, “this is how I LIKE to dress. I LIKE pink.” She really is adorable.

    I don’t think Sydney’s parents will mind at all if she likes pink. :-) Sydney actually has a range of stereotypically male and female preferences; she likes blocks and she likes my little pony, she likes dangerious-looking climbing and she likes pretty dresses.

    And yes, she’s adorable. :-)