The Violence Against Women Act will come up for reauthorization any day now. So please, today is the day to contact your congresscritter’s and ask them to support VAWA. Here’s a link that makes it easy for you.
And if you’re a blogger, please consider putting the link up on your own blog.
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Just for the purpose of convincing people who are on the fence or not aware of the good of VAWA, think you could give a link or two from yourself or anyone else that summarize it? I’m sure I saw some good stuff about VAWA on this blog.
I may be mistaking this with some other law, but isn’t this the law that the Supreme Court held to be an unconstitutional violation of the commerce clause?
A portion of the original VAWA, which made it a federal crime to cross state lines in connection with stalking or domestic violence (iirc), was found unconstitutional. The rest of the law remains intact, however.
Raznor, good idea. I’ll look around or try to get around to it.
Thanks for the info. As soon as @!$#%$! TypePad is back up, I’ll blog this also.
And there’s something I’m curious about. If you have a representative that you feel very confident will be on the right side of an issue (like Sen. Boxer on VAWA), is it still valuable to email them about it, or is it better to just let them be?
You might write to thank them for their vocal support of it, or express your confidence that they will vote in support of it and thank them in advance. Or just wait until they have voted and then write them a thank-you note.
O.K., I could search on this, but I’m too lazy. I too would like a summary, and if there are any principled objections.