I got the advance copy of the new Hereville book!!!

I’m horribly pleased.

The book will be on sale in November!

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24 Responses to I got the advance copy of the new Hereville book!!!

  1. nobody.really says:

    Ooo! Ooo! Oooooo!

  2. RonF says:

    Looks great from here!

  3. Jake Squid says:


  4. Simple Truth says:

    Swanky! :D

  5. Myca says:

    God, it’s gorgeous. Good damn work, Amp.

  6. Decnavda says:

    Cool!! Congratulations.

  7. Pesho says:

    It looks really good.

    But… do you have really huge hands, or is the new format smaller than the old one? I’m a bit obsessive about my comic books collection. Any plans for publishing all of the books in the same format so that they look good next to each other?

  8. Ampersand says:

    Pesho, there’s no new format – it’s the same size as the first two books. :-)

  9. Pesho says:

    Well, I’ve always known I was short. :-)

    By the way, I have the second in hardcover and first in softcover. Is there a hardcover version of the first one?

  10. Ampersand says:

    Yes, there is! You can get it through any bookstore, and also through online places like Amazon.

  11. nobody.really says:

    Hey — the thumbnail version the cover looked like Mirka was rescuing her sister from the water. But now I see she’s dancing with her sister.

    And come to think of it, haven’t I seen this dance someplace before…?

    Ok, I gotta know: Is this the last Mirka book? The dusty recesses of my memory say that you scored another contract with the publisher — but I store those dusty memories next to my wishful thoughts, and things get jostled a lot….

  12. SWA says:

    Since I am in moderation (for a response Ampersand didn’t like – but no violations) presumably only Ampersand will read this, but:

    Does anyone seriously buy this crap?

  13. Ampersand says:

    About 30,000 copies sold so far (between the first two books).

  14. Ampersand says:

    And come to think of it, haven’t I seen this dance someplace before…?

    Good memory!

    Ok, I gotta know: Is this the last Mirka book? The dusty recesses of my memory say that you scored another contract with the publisher — but I store those dusty memories next to my wishful thoughts, and things get jostled a lot….

    I think Abrams would be willing to do a 4th Mirka book, and I do have more Mirka books I’d like to do. But for my next book, I want to do something other than Hereville. So there might be another Hereville book someday, but there are no immediate plans.

  15. Ampersand says:

    Thanks, Ben David! That looks great.

  16. Ruchama says:


  17. Harlequin says:

    Oh hey, I didn’t say congratulations yet! CONGRATULATIONS. :)

  18. Ampersand says:

    Thanks so much, everybody.


  19. Congratulations! This is wonderful news.

  20. acm says:

    am surprised that you can’t see a (volume/issue) number anywhere on the cover. I couldn’t remember whether this was #2 or #3 and had to see this comment thread for the answer. doesn’t knowing that there were previous installments help to sell them?

  21. Ampersand says:

    ACM – The previous two books are listed on the back cover, but that doesn’t show up in this photo. :-)

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