Monday Baby Blogging: Tattooed Sydney

(Sorry I’m late posting this one; it’s been kinda a busy Monday).

Tattooed Sydney!

Lately Sydney has had a fondness for wearing a bit of tye-died cloth like a sarong and letting her mom cover her with rub-on tattoos. A foam crown completes the ensemb.

Tattooed Sydney!

I think Sydney believes this get-up makes her look like a pirate – Sydney has been very into pirates lately. When she was given the pirate ship she’s playing with in this photo, she spent a half-hour approaching every adult in the room individually and proudly holding up the toy, saying “Look! Look! A Pirate Ship!”

Tattooed Sydney!

Plastic rulers have become swords. Oddly enough, in Sydney’s world swords seem to be implements not of death but of tickling – she’ll walk up to me, stab me with a ruler, and say “tickle tickle tickle!” It’s a bit on the cute side.

Tattooed Sydney!

I adore her pose in this photo, which is why I’m posting it even though it’s out of focus. So Sarah Bernhardt.

Tattooed Sydney!

I like this photo because it gives a pretty good view of some of her tattoos. One way to tell that she really likes the tattoos is that she’s willing to stand still and let her mommy rub them on; for Sydney, standing still anytime she’s awake is a considerable achievement.

Sydney’s vocabulary keeps on growing – she’s now doing full (if simple) sentences. And she can identify what her tattoos show; she’s happy to point out and name the hearts, and the kitty, and the dragonfly, and the butterfly to people who ask.

Sydney had a cold when this photo was snapped, which is why her nose and upper lip are red.

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18 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Tattooed Sydney

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Magis says:

    Looks like Lady Liberty in that crown. Cutie Pie.

  3. andante says:

    The perfect heroine for “Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure of the Golden Ruler ( Part 17)”

  4. gengwall says:

    What are the white pointy things behind her? Looks like teeth – yikes!

    The one that you like, Amp, is great. Like she is giving a little talk:

    “So, I said to Blackbeard, ‘you don’t know anything about running a pirate ship. Why, if I was running it, we would all have rulers as swords and go around tickling people into giving us their treasure’.”

  5. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    The teeth are part of the pirate boat. They connect to the front prow to give it that especially ‘scaaaaaarrry’ pirate look.

    Speaking of treasure though, she also received a ‘treasure chest’ (very cool small ornate wooden chest we got at a craft store) and we filled it with chocolate gold coins, gummy sharks and mardi gras beads. She -loves- that chest.

  6. gengwall says:

    I want to play!!!! We never had cool stuff like this when I was a kid. :-(

  7. Jezebel says:

    Tell Sydney that Cap’n Slappy, O’l Chumbucket and the rest o’ the International Talk Like A Pirate Day crew heartily approve.

  8. ErikaGillian says:

    She may not be old enough to play with the weapons, they’re pretty tiny, but you could get her an Anne Bonny action figure. I got mine at Powell’s. She comes with two pistols, a cutlass and an ax.

    Almost all of my pirate stuff is from Portland, come to think.

    Is Sydney a Pastafarian?

  9. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Erika, Sydney is not a Pastafarian, but both of her parents are. Last year I did a FSM feature on Alas. We are hoping to give Sydney and Maddox a well rounded idea of spiritualism and different belief sets so they can choose which if any is right for them!

  10. maribelle says:

    Hi, Amp–I discovered your blog about a few months ago and I really love it–lots of very interesting and intelligent discussions.

    These kids are really cute, no question. But with all due respect, why are all these baby pictures constantly on this blog? Don’t get me wrong — I love kids, I have two of them. But I find myself sighing heavily everytime these cute kid pictures are here. I thought it was kind of a temporary thing when it started, and thought it would run its course. But more and more lately, everytime I log on I have to wade through pictures of smiling babies.

    It speaks to topicality–does this further discussion of complex feminist issues? (For example, when I log onto truthout or alternet, I don’t expect to find pictures of the editor’s dogs. When I log onto, I don’t expect to find rants against the Bush administration.) If they did it once or twice, I’d think “okay, whatever.” If they did it every week, I’d wonder what’s up.

    This blog is so good, and the people here are very intelligent (and I really love the way you moderate–fair and even-handed.)

    I just wanted to ask you to consider maybe putting them on another website, or perhaps having a “Baby blog” link off to the right with the other links. Just a thought to make this great site even better.

  11. Sally says:

    It speaks to topicality”“does this further discussion of complex feminist issues?

    It furthers the having of fun, which is in no way antithetical to discussion of complex feminist issues. It also furthers the enjoyment of cuteness, which is similarly compatable with feminist goals.

    For example, when I log onto truthout or alternet, I don’t expect to find pictures of the editor’s dogs.

    Assuming that expectation extends to cats, I highly recommend that you stay away from political blogs on Fridays.

  12. Robert says:

    But more and more lately, everytime I log on I have to wade through pictures of smiling babies.

    Noooooooo! Not the Gauntlet of Smiling Baby Pain! The humanity!

  13. a nut says:

    Hey, some of us do both cat and dog blogging on Friday’s, thank you very much.

    And really, if all one needs is to stay on topic (which is odd to say of Amp’s blog considering the only consistent *topic* is feminism/humanism), visit dKos or Atrios or something.

  14. Lee says:

    If Sydney watches the Wiggles at all, then that’s where the “sword=tickler” equation comes from. Captain Feathersword is a very cool pirate character (if you’re a small child).

  15. Lee says:

    Bean, even if they never watch the Wiggles in the house, as long as they go outdoors and meet other children, they will find out about the Wiggles. It’s osmosis, or something, and it’s inevitable. My kids know more about stuff that has never crossed our threshold (electronic or otherwise) than I can believe. I know for a fact that they have never watched Barney at home, ever, nor we do own any Barney paraphernalia at all – not a book, tape, videotape, CD, DVD, software, website, e-mail, newsletter, toy, item of apparel, or sticker – and they still know the Barney theme song, the “I Love You” song, and who all of the regular characters are. Better brace yourself, Bean, because the invasion of the Kiddie Characters is on its way.

  16. Lee says:

    BTW, Bean, I nearly spilled beverage on my keyboard when I read your “for the love of NOTA”, not because it’s inherently funny, but because I’ve been reading about the National Organ Transplant Act today. I’m pretty sure you did NOT mean that NOTA!

  17. gengwall says:

    Best “fish out of water” movie pirate lines:

    Six Days, Seven Nights
    Robin: There are two boats
    Quinn: Two, let me see that (takes binocs). We’ve got to get out of here.
    Robin: Why. What’s Wrong.
    Quinn: They’re pirates.
    Robin: Pirates! As in “arrrgh”!

    Captain Ron
    Cpt Ron: We’re getting into pirate waters.
    Mr. Harvey: Pirates?
    Cpt Ron: Pirates of the Caribbean.
    Mr. Harvey: Been to Disney World too many times, Captain Ron?

  18. The Truth says:

    Tattoos look HORRIBLE on kids

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