Monday Baby Blogging: Jar-Jarhead

I’m not quite sure where the rubber Jar-Jar head came from, but we never had it until we moved into this house. Was it left behind by the previous owners of the house, or did Phil, a friend we rented a room to, bring it?

In any case, we found it when we moved in, and stuck in on a stake on top of a tall bookcase, displayed with a plastic sci-fi blaster gun which was of similarly mysterious providence (presumably the gun used to kill Jar-Jar). And like a lot of decorative items left in place for a couple of years, Jar-Jar’s decapitated head became invisible to us.

But that was before Sydney spotted Jar-Jar last week, and pleaded with Bean to be given the “monster.” Then she marched in to the room where the rest of us were hanging out to show off her new look.

And so the horror spreads…

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12 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Jar-Jarhead

  1. PurpleGirl says:

    A fan in the making. The pictures are cute. Has Sydney been to any con’s yet? I can just see her in a costume call competition.

  2. Dianne says:

    Jar-Jar can be cute. Who knew?

  3. Robert says:

    Gosh, this is the first time I’ve seen Jar Jar without being filled with an overwhelming urge to kill.

  4. Mendy says:

    Awww! That’s just cute, and I’d imagine the Jar Jar mask is cleaner than her strapping a couple cinnamon rolls to her head and playing Leah.

  5. beachcomber says:

    Lucas would have been much more popular if he’d just cast someone as adorable as Sydney in the role.

  6. Jimmy Ho says:

    Actually, “the Gungan formerly known as Jar Jar Binks ” changed his name to Jarbari Jarbari Binko. See Aaron McGruder, A Right To Be Hostile, p. 37 (more serious approach here; scroll to last paragraph).

  7. gwarek says:

    wow that’s awesome :)

  8. Uncle Mike says:

    I did not know toddlers could get inked.

  9. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Only if you count water press-on tat’s as being inked :). If so, then yes, full body, even face inked!

  10. Matan says:

    Am I the only one who thinks this is kinda freaky?

  11. Kip Manley says:

    No, you aren’t. I was there, and I still bear the scars.

  12. alsis39.5 says:

    And yet you haven’t alerted the authorities. Shame on you, Kip.

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