Monday baby blogging: Umbrella!

Sydney with an umbrella

Continuing with last week’s “rain accessories” theme…

Sydney with an umbrella

Sydney startled me this week – I asked her to smile for a photo, not especially expecting her to understand what I wanted. She turned to me with this big fake grin and said “cheeeeeese!” When did she learn that? I suspect her grandmother taught her. The speed at which she picks up new bits of knowledge is amazing.

Sydney with an umbrella

Also please note that she’s wearing clothes this week (for a change). It’s only because she can’t undo the top of this dress without help; any item of clothing she can take off herself winds up decorating the floor pretty quickly.

Sydney with an umbrella

I don’t know why we bother buying toys – like many kids, Sydney usually has more fun playing with anything but. She’s reaching a stage where the more we don’t want her playing with something, the more appealing that thing is to her.

(Oh, wait – I know why we buy toys! It’s so there’s stuff we won’t miss much when Sydney breaks it!)

P.S. Hi, Stephanie!

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6 Responses to Monday baby blogging: Umbrella!

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Robert says:

    “That baby has a umbrella!”

    “I have a umbrella? Pwease?”

  3. olga says:

    Absolutely adorable girl. Thanks for your blog. Very, very nice

  4. Kim (basement variety!) says:

    Did you give her one? :)

  5. Robert says:

    Hah. No. I just spent two hours going through her room just to bring it into a state of compliance with the Geneva Convention, to say nothing of human decency. Last thing she needs is more toys.

    Besides, she already has one. ;P

  6. L says:

    she’s really cute! I like the baby blogging as well as the regular blogging :)

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