Sunday Protest Blogging: Paris

They certainly know how to protest in France. There the government proposes fire-at-will legislation, and 120,000 people take to the streets of Paris, where they occupy buildings. Here we’ll be lucky if it gets beyond a few grumpy blog posts. Unfotunately I don’t speak French, but if you do the Paris indymedia site looks interesting.

When I said in my post on the body shop that I don’t have any time for ethical businesses, it’s not because I don’t think there’s any hope of creating change, but because I think obsessing about your shopping can distract people. It’s because I believe if people work together collectively and organise together to challenge existing power structures, then we can be stronger than they are.

Also posted on my blog.

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4 Responses to Sunday Protest Blogging: Paris

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. 2
    Robert says:

    There the government proposes fire-at-will legislation, and 120,000 people take to the streets of Paris, where they occupy buildings.

    What was hysterical in the press reports of the Paris demonstration was the quotes from the French students involved. They actually think that the bill (allowing employers to fire young workers if they aren’t working out) will make it harder for them to find work. These are people who believe that jobs flow from heaven, blocked only when greedy capitalists consume them before they reach The People.

  3. 3
    Crys T says:

    Yeah well, if you’re going to have a system which requires people to work in order to live decent lives, you freaking well better be able to guarantee jobs flowing from heaven. Oh, you can’t? Then it’s time to dismantle such a poorly-thought-out, impossible-to-maintain system. Isn’t it?

    Oh silly me, I keep forgetting: it’s okay by some people if large segments of the population are forced to slowly rot to death.

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    Robert says:

    Crys T, if you have figured out a way for humans to exist without laboring, write a book and save us all a lot of trouble.