Monday (Tuesday?) baby blogging: Easter

Sorry the baby blogging is a day late – really busy Monday, as it turned out.

We figured this was the first year that Sydney might remember holiday celebrations, so we went all-out, doing both a Passover Seder and an Easter dinner. A Seder isn’t really a photo occasion, in my opinion, but Easter – especially the “Jesus? Who’s that?” version of Easter Kim and Matt put together – is very photo-friendly.

Kim and Matt decorated the TV room in pastel-and-bunny splendor and hid plastic eggs in every nook and cranny while I kept Sydney occupied in the living room. (Sydney: What’s that! Amp: That’s the fishtank! Sydney: What’s that? Amp: That’s Rattle the cat. Sydney: What’s that? Amp: That’s still the fishtank!)

When Syd and I finally entered the TV room, I was delighted to see that Kim and Matt had set up a bunch of Easter Swag ™ in the bay window. Why should this delight me, a Jew who frankly couldn’t care less where the Easter Swag is? Because I do care about where the light is, and in the bay window I could take pictures using natural light instead of the camera’s flash. To my eyes, the colors and shadows in these photos are much nicer than usual, as a result.

Sydney examines the Easter Swag
Here, Sydney begins to examine the Easter Swag. Where to start, where to start?

Sydney spills an egg's contents

Sydney finds an egg and opens it, dumping the contents. Look how happy making a mess has made her!

Sydney really didn’t “get” the egg hunt thing (although she certainly enjoyed painting hard-boiled eggs the night before). Matt and Kim hid plastic eggs filled with malted milk balls and candy all over the room, but once Sydney had found and opened her first egg she pretty much lost interest in searching for more. “I’ve already got an egg full of candy. Why should I look for more?”

Nor did Sydney attempt to eat all that candy. For the most part, she was more interested in dumping the egg’s contents, then reloading the egg, then dumping it again.

Sydney eats an entire chocolate ladybug

The exception was the chocolate ladybugs – Sydney really liked eating those, for some reason. In the photo above, she’s just shoved a whole chocolate ladybug into her mouth.

Sydney plays with a balloon

Sydney playing with a balloon. I think this is one of the best photos I’ve ever taken of her. Plus, this photo gives a really clear view of the bunnyriffic dress, which Sydney’s grandma found on Ebay.

Next week: Easter part two, featuring ultra-cute pics of Maddox.

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13 Responses to Monday (Tuesday?) baby blogging: Easter

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  2. Lu says:

    So adorable I can hardly stand it. I want a dress like that.

    It’s funny how holidays get to be a whole other thing when you watch kids experience them, even (or maybe especially) with a holiday that doesn’t mean a whole lot to your adult self.

  3. Ledasmom says:

    Now you’re making me feel guilty because my husband and I tried to lock our younger boy in his room with his Easter basket so we could have sex.

  4. AndiF says:

    It’s a great set of pictures, like most of the ones you take. What makes Monday Baby Blogging special is that it’s become a history of the emotional life of one child.

  5. Barbara says:

    Really sweet pictures — no one will mistake her for being a boy this week! (P.S., those easter egg hunts will get to be more fun esp. when Maddox joins in. Our kids are so disappointed if they don’t get to have their easter egg hunts that did one at 5:00 am in a hotel room before we had to leave to catch a plane home . . .)

  6. Jake says:

    I can see up her nose!!

  7. alsis39.75 says:

    A Seder isn’t really a photo occasion, in my opinion,

    Only because it didn’t occur to you to have two guests fencing with lamb shanks or playing “chicken” with a few mouthfuls of horseradish. (The white kind. Red is for weaklings.)

    Do I have to explain everything around here ? Tsk.

  8. sabele says:

    That dress is bunnylicous – I would have loved that dress when I was Sydney’s age. Well done granny!

  9. Jake says:

    How, pray tell, does one play “chicken” with horseradish?

    I ask this as a life-long atheist Jew.

  10. Robert says:

    First one to spit it out loses.

  11. tigtog says:

    I adore the bunnyriffic dress.

  12. textivore says:

    Aww, she’s adorable as ever. And this gives me an excuse to brag/cringe about my own almost-two year old. While attending an easter egg hunt that included both dyed hard boiled eggs and candy filled plastic ones, he quickly realised that some were goodies and some were just food. He then went around shaking the eggs, and if they didn’t rattle, he’d put them down and walk to the next egg. If they did rattle, he’d ask for help opening them, put the candy in his basket, and discard the shell…

  13. alsis39.75 says:

    First one to spit it out loses.

    We were stricter than that. Basically the last kid to gulp down the herb with little or no prior choking, tear-shedding, or coughing was the winner.

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