Monday baby blogging: More Napping

These photos are a few months old, but still very cute. Kim told me she took them in the dark, holding the camera above the kids and pointing down blind. Digital photography has enabled so many good photos by freeing us of the fear of wasting film….



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6 Responses to Monday baby blogging: More Napping

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  3. Robert says:

    This couldn’t be cuter if you shoveled in a boatload of puppies.

  4. Ledasmom says:

    That’s adorable, except I can’t quite figure out how she’s breathing. I have trouble breathing with one of those giant toddler heads on my chest.

  5. sabele says:

    I just love the way babies sleep – arms and legs to the four winds, not a care.

  6. Rachel S. says:

    Sabele, we call that the “baby under arrest pose” My partner’s niece always does that pose.

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