Sydney loves swimming pools (going swimming with her, you have to keep a good grip on her while preparing to go into the pool, because left to herself she’d jump into the pool as fast as her legs can run), but some forms of getting soaked are even better. Such as….
I love this photo of Sydney playing with a fountain (you can click on the photo to view a bigger version). I wasn’t there, but I’m told that this fountain was one of the absolute high points of Sydney’s life to date.
Sydney is getting better at controlling her emotions – for instance, when told “no,” she often pouts and stomps into the next room and bitterly shouts “No!” if an adult tries to comfort her. (The terrible thing is, Sydney’s anger is cute – she crosses her little arms and scowls and the adults in the room go “aawwwww!, Just ‘ook at the widdle scowl!” which is, to put it mildly, not the reaction Sydney is hoping for.) What’s great about the sulking is that, eight months ago, Sydney would have reacted to the same situation by crying. The sulking shows that she’s grown a lot of emotional control.
But naturally, Sydney still cries sometimes. For example, when (after quite a bit of time, and after Sydney was soaked to the bone and shivering) Matt and Kim finally pulled Sydney away from this fountain, she wept and wailed and wouldn’t accept any consolation. The fountain was that good.
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Have you played in Salmon Street Springs? Sydney is absolutely right. It’s the bestest.
Amp’s description of Sydney’s reaction reminds me of someone else we all know and love when she too was little. Determination sometimes ruled over reason. And when faced with reason, there wasn’t much we could offer by way of consolation. Gave me a great good grin just thinking about when Kim was little.
There is nothing like the pure unadulturated joy of puddle jumping, and this looks like puddle jumping mixed with running through the sprinkler – I can only begin to imagine her joy :) I bet she had sweet dreams that night :)
Well, if she continues to have ambitions of being a pirate, that reaction could help her career. “Awww…look at the cute ‘iddle sword she’s running me through with…”
Isn’t that usually the case though? ;)
Last time my neice was here she was in a phase where she didn’t like having her hair brushed. When her mom would ask her why she’d always say “It makes me sad,” and nothing else. She didn’t seem to be able to articulate why it made her sad – and she always said “no” if we asked her if it hurt. Whenever she would tell us that it made her sad, her face would screw up in the most adorable manner and she’d even get a little weepy eyed sometimes. My mom, my sister, and I kept cracking up whenever she did it.