The Search For The Perfect Anncronym

(Normally I try to avoid blatantly partisan blogging, but I was in a mood when I wrote this, I guess.)

anncoulter.pngSo What Does Ann Coulter Stand For? Does it stand for:

Another Noisy Neo-Con Offers Underhanded Lies & Tedious, Erroneous Rants.

Or perhaps:

Ann’s Neverending Nastiness, Cruelty, Offensive Utterances, & Lying Titillates Every Rightwinger.

Post your suggestions in this thread, but remember, no references to Ann’s body, supposed lack of femininity, etc. – let’s keep this a sexist-joke-free zone. (It’s her ideology we want to be making fun of!) Winner gets a color print of my sketch of Ann (that’s it to the right), with their own Anncronym used as the drawing’s caption. (Of course, if there aren’t any submissions I like better than my two suggestions, then I’m the winner.)

Oh, and a curtsy to Piny for the word Anncronym.

(Cross posted on Creative Destruction).

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25 Responses to The Search For The Perfect Anncronym

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. 2
    lucia says:

    Annoying Nasty Ninny,
    Craven, Obstreperously Ululating Lupine Trash, Embodies Rudeness

  3. 3
    Curious says:

    You simply cant handle her. She may not be alright, but she certainly has a clout. Probably that is what is bothering you. How can a rude, straight forward, acerbic person like her have a following? Right?

  4. 4
    Elena says:

    Anyone willing to fire cheap shots can get a decent following of morons.

  5. 5
    Tapetum says:

    I can’t speak for Amp, but for myself – I have no problem with rude straight forward acerbic people having followings. Other than rude, I would argue that none of these apply to Ann. Straight forward would apply to someone who gives facts bluntly – not who bludgeons people with half-truths and insinuations. Acerbic would imply acid – I would argue that Ann isn’t acid, she’s poisonous. She incites people to violence and then stands back and pretends it has nothing to do with her. She deserves to be able to speak her mind – and then she deserves to have people turn their backs and walk away from the pitiable spectacle that is her character.

    Absolute Nonsense Nastily Crowding Others Until (all that’s) Left (is) Eternal Rancor

  6. 6
    Ampersand says:

    Radfem emailed me to say she’s having trouble posting, but she wanted to submit this:

    “Annoyingly Nasty Narcissistic Charlatan Outwardly Usurping Libertine Tactics, Emulating Rushites”

  7. How about:

    Allowing Neoconservative Ne’er-do-wells, Considering (their) Outrageous, Unfounded Logic Tarnishes Everyone’s Reputation.

  8. 8
    ms_xeno says:

    Automatons Neglecting News Cultivate Outrages Under Leading Trashmouth Emperor Rupert

    (Sorry. But I was trying not to rip off everyone else. :o )

  9. 9
    Raznor says:

    Assholishness Need Not Court Others – Utilitizing Liars Temporarily Earns a Racket.

  10. 10
    Curious says:

    I know that anyone willing to fire shots (including cheap ones) gets a following. Why else would some of our welknown presidential aspirants even be there, thank god they all lost. Moronism wins! So let Ann have her hayday. Make some money and take some shots. If they are cheap they wont hurt anyone anyway, on the other hand, if there is an iota of truth to them, people will object to it harshly….OOPS!!

  11. 11
    Steve says:

    She is clear, logical, biting, and heartless. Those who have opposing positions would be rare and wonderful people if they managed not to hate her.

    But I enjoy her comments, as I enjoy many persons comments. When you have gone through enough abuse sometimes the circuit breakers blow and it doesn’t have any more emotional value. I watch her and her opposites like an impartial knowledgeble sports announcer calls plays in a game. So I can recognize good hits on all sides, but yes sometimes there are players who deserve time in the penalty box for roughness.

  12. 12
    Ness says:

    Absolutely Nauseating No Compassion Obviously Unhinged Lungworm Exasperatingly Ridiculous
    (I know lungworm is a bit of a stretch and it’s maybe a bit polite, but I had to stick to the rules!)

  13. 13
    Robert says:

    Congratulations, Amp. Your picture scared the crap out of our three year old when she saw it on my wife’s screen.

    (After she calmed down, she asked “is it a man or is it a lady?” We told her it was a picture of a lady. She looked at it for a long time and then said “is it nice or is it mean?”)

  14. 14
    Robert says:

    And I apologize for the violation of the lack-of-femininity rule, but Stephanie doesn’t follow the rules laid down by The Man, man. She’s a free spirit, and she rejects your patriarchal fascism.

  15. The woman is amazing in her ability to distract people from her real mischief. (Are there any readers who are fans of the Ed McBain 87th Precinct stories? You will get my reference to ‘the Deaf Man,’ a criminal who appeared in about half a dozen stories. His specialty was distracting the police, getting them looking one way while his real target was something else again.)

    Not one person here mentioned her creationism — which takes up a third of GODLESS — or her felonious voting frauds in Connecticut and Florida, or her friendship with prominent anti-Semite and borderline holocaust denier Joe Sobran, or her defence of Joe McCarthy. Everytime someone tries to get close to the center of who she is, she lets off another stink bomb and her critics go running in that direction, and forget where they were. She knows the Jersey Girls and Murtha-fragging comments will get the response they got. (Ever hear of ‘loss leaders’?) But this gets the books in the home, and people who read them to wonder if ‘maybe she’s right on this one’ — creationism or McCarthy say — because nobody was criticizing these stands.

    She isn’t a joke. She’s seriously dangerous.

  16. 16
    Ampersand says:

    Congratulations, Amp. Your picture scared the crap out of our three year old when she saw it on my wife’s screen.

    This makes me so happy. :-)

    And I apologize for the violation of the lack-of-femininity rule, but Stephanie doesn’t follow the rules laid down by The Man, man. She’s a free spirit, and she rejects your patriarchal fascism.

    No excuses. Stephanie is henceforth banned from posting on “Alas.”

  17. 17
    Robert says:

    Another feminist womyn barred by your misogyny.

  18. 18
    Robert says:

    Although actually it occurs to me that Stephanie was implicitly commenting on your picture’s lack of femininity, not Ann Coulter’s putative lack; she doesn’t even know who Ann Coulter is. (The black obsidian altar room where we sacrifice homeless people to a giant two-faced statue (one side Karl Rove, the other Ann Coulter) is off limits to her.)

    Which means that she made no comment against Coulter, and ought to be unbanned.

    But you, on the other hand, have apparently made a Coulter-isn’t-feminine statement via your art, as interpreted by a very reasonable observer, which would seem to indicate that YOU ought to get the hook.

  19. 19
    Ampersand says:

    “Oh dear,” says God, “I hadn’t thought of that,” and promptly vanished in a puff of logic.

  20. 20
    Robert says:

    I will now prove that color is an illusion black is white and get myself killed at the next intersection zebra crossing.

    [Geekishly edited by Amp.]

  21. 21
    Robert says:

    Why are you editing here? Weren’t you banned?


  22. 22
    Raznor says:

    That drawing does have a Wicked Witch of the West look to it, doesn’t it? Is that lipstick on her mouth or the blood of infants and puppies?

  23. 23
    Rochel says:

    Another Nausiating Neanderthal Cackles Odviously Unsubstantiated
    Litanies Threatening Empire’s Repose

  24. 24
    Rochel says:

    Oops!! nausEating

  25. 25
    (: Tom :) says:

    A trifecta of anncronyms for you:


    Obfuscates –



    Notices –
