Just in case you were wondering…

Here’s definitive proof that poets are in it for the money—which, I hasten to add, takes away not a single iota of my gratitude to CavanKerry Press for keeping my book alive 13 years after it was published. I have always believed that poetry does its work very slowly, one book and one reader (and sometimes one poem and one reader) at a time. I don’t know who bought these two copies of The Silence of Men, but I hope the poems are bringing them not just pleasure, but meaning and fulfillment. It makes me very happy that the book is still finding its way into readers’ hands.

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3 Responses to Just in case you were wondering…

  1. Thanks for publishing your payment advice Richard. Incredible. Poetry is definitely a poor cousin. Yes it’s wonderful that people are still. Using your poetry; congratulations. I’m forwarding this to a friend who writes wonderful poetry & is hoping to retire soon to write more.
    Kind regards Peter Forrester

  2. nobody.really says:

    Ha! I’m reminded of Glimpses of the Moon where the protagonist, after spending the entire play struggling to complete his great novel, announces that Knopf has granted him an advance–of $100. (In the book, it’s actually $200.)

    Regardless, much congratulations!

  3. Eva Schectman says:

    Mazel Tov!

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