Link Farm & Open Thread #32

By the way, I’m currently on vacation in Ithaca, New York. My computer access is limited, so blogging from me could be even more erratic than usual for the next week or two.

Now, on to the links…

Slant Truth: The Carnival of Hair Politics Is Here!

Pretty Fizzy Paradise presents: The Second Carnival of Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans!

Niobium presents: The Progressive Faith Carnival!

The Angry Black Woman: Racism in Pirates of the Carribean
And check out her followup post about white liberal guilt, too.

Women of Color Blog: Life Is So Much Slower For Poor People

No Capital: Lose Your Home, Lose Your Rights

Residents of trailer parks set up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency to house hurricane victims in Louisiana aren’t allowed to talk to the press without an official escort, The (Baton Rouge) Advocate reported. [Via: The Sideshow]

CoffeeAndInk: How To Suppress Discussion of Racism
Via Super Babymama.

The Shape of a Mother

…A post-pregnancy body is one of this society’s greatest secrets; all we see of the female body is that which is airbrushed and perfect, and if we look any different, we hide it from the light of day in fear of being seen. […] It is my dream, then, to create this website where women of all ages, shapes, sizes and nationalities can share images of their bodies so it will no longer be secret.

Long Story Short Pier: Bad Apples Don’t Make Checklists

My Amusement Park: The Other Woman as Rogue Animal Trainer

I think the way we handle The Other Woman as this powerful, almost supernaturally so, dominating presence that compells the man to cheat is just an extension of our infantalizing of men in general. The Poor Still Pay More:The New “Ghetto Tax”

Did I Miss Something?: The Stem Cell Veto And The Word “Cure”

…I dunno about others with impairments, but this disabled person would please ask those who support Stem Cell research to stop intensifying and reinforcing the “poor tragic people” stereotype. [Via The Gimp Parade]

Girls Read Comics (And They’re Pissed): How To Write Nonsexist Comics
Via The F-Word.

Evil Dead: The Musical!

NY Times: Forty Percent of Weight Loss Surgery Patients Have Complications

The most common complications included vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal hernias, infections, pneumonia and respiratory failure, as well as the leaking of gastric juices caused by imperfect surgical connections between the stomach and the intestines. … In the cases reviewed by federal researchers, 85 percent of the patients were women. [Via Big Fat Blog]

Family Law Prof Blog: Study Finds That Poor People Age Quicker

Persephone’s Box is back from hiatus!

Punk Ass Blog: I Dreamed I Wrote This Sestina In My Maidenform Bra, by Denise Duhamel
Because all good poems are about Disney films and bras.

Family Law Prof Blog: Andrea Yates Trial Jurors Wished They Could Have Found Yates “Guilty, But Insane.”

New to the blogroll: Equality Loudoun
Good blog focusing on the same-sex marriage debate, both nationally and in Virginia. I thought this post on gender role ideology and opposition to marriage equality was particularly good.

Think Progress: Senator Inhofe Outright Lies About Global Warming
…And then he lies some more.

Steve the CatScans Daily: Tracing Photos From Porn = Bad Comic Book Art

Notes From The Tundra: The Legend of Steve The Cat
How our household gained a new (but temporary) member. (More photos here).

[Crossposted at Creative Destruction, where the moderation is less heavy-handed.].

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13 Responses to Link Farm & Open Thread #32

  1. Pingback: Distracted : Drawn apart, rent asunder; divided.

  2. Pingback: Long story; short pier.

  3. Pingback: The Countess' Journal

  4. Pingback: feminist blogs

  5. Pingback: feminist blogs

  6. Kate L. says:

    I’ve seen the Shape of a Mother site before. It’s really quite inspiring. A few weeks ago, a message board I frequent posted it and about 75% of the women were disgusted, grossed out, and commenting on how awful it is. The other 25% had already had kids and so were mostly already disillusioned. What struck me about the whole conversation was how much young women seemed to feel that this site was gross, just for existence. I.E. if your body isn’t “perfect” then you should have enough common sense to be ashamed of it and cover it up so the rest of us don’t have to see it. It’s really sad… I fear for the amount of self hatred these women will have if/when they are pregnant and post partum. Yes, you can get “back into shape” and some women are fortunate enough not to get stretch marks (I’m not one of them!), but the shape and feel of your body is forever altered – and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing. This blog is a first step toward accepting non-perfect bodies – thank you to the women brave enough to share your photos!

  7. ms_xeno says:

    You know, this week has been damn taxing. Plus it’s not even over yet. Just what I needed was a cute kitty pic to ease it along a bit better.

    I’m still highly amused that Steve coped with his new-home anxiety by crouching behind that shelf full of Omaha the Cat Dancer books.

  8. Rachel S. says:

    Kate L.,
    Why am I not surprised that those women on the message board said that? LOL!! I just saw the site recently. I guess it’s nice to know this before you have a child. Although I do remember asking my mom about the scar on her “tummy,” when I was a kid. At a really young age I though a C-section scar was neat, now feel different.

  9. The Countess says:

    I’m a bit behind in my blog reading lately, but boy am I glad I stopped by. I LOVE “Evil Dead”. I just finished watching it again about two days ago. I’d love to see the musical. I’m sure it will be bent, just like the movie.

    I know the movie has been remade again, but I haven’t seen it yet.

  10. Kate L. says:

    you should have heard their discussion on white privilege. A well meaning woman posted the list and people got all kinds of fired up. I actually had to stop for a while… it got too draining.

  11. David says:

    Hey, thanks for the link!

    We showed the film “Ballot Measure 9” to the community here, to provide a warning about what happened in Oregon when the ’92 hatefest was unleashed. I’m hoping it will shame our Lon Mabon wannabes just a little for the duration of the “marriage amendment” campaign.

  12. Dan S. says:

    “Women of Color Blog: Life Is So Much Slower For Poor People”
    “Family Law Prof Blog: Study Finds That Poor People Age Quicker”

    What more can I say?

  13. Pingback: Sufficient Scruples » Blog Archive » Disability: Care Without Cure

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