Call For Submissions: 3rd Official Call for Submissions: 3rd Carnival of Feminist Science SF

Ariel of New Game Plus has put up the call for submissions for the third Carnival of Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy Fans. The submission deadline is August 1, 2006 and these are the themes:

The issue’s theme–or writing prompt–is the present through origins. This could be a reflection on how your feminism and geekiness came to intersect, a post that traces the the evolution of women in a particular genre, a revisitation of the old school canons, a look at fresh and new things that are starting a revolution of their own, a memoir of finding that first great book or game or comic that really clicked for you, or whatever you can imagine.

Also! Ragnell is also looking for some more victims volunteers to host, so if you’re interested please get in touch with her..

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