Link Farm & Open Thread #33

Super Babymama presents The Carnival of Feminists
Lots of interesting posts about poverty. The next Carnival will be hosted by Being Amber Rhea .

Coaching4Lesbians presents The Carnival of Bent Attractions!

Big Fat Blog: Columnist Opposes Large Black Women Appearing Confident And Happy
Because when fat people are confident and happy, that promotes bad health!

Echidne: What Accounts For The High Divorce Rate Among Born-Again Christians?
Excellent post. The mechanism Echidne proposes (it’s well-known that marrying young makes divorce more likely; religious fundimentalists encourage early marriage to make pre-marital abstinance more viable; therefore…) is speculative, but plausible.

Sufficient Scruples: Care, Not Cures, For The Disabled

The Gimp Parade: Hooters is to Women, as Jerry Lewis is to Disabled People, Part One
Damn, she’s good. Check out part two, as well.

BitchPhd: Media Implies We Should Start Panicking About Fat Babies

Robert Newman’s History of Oil
This video lecture is fun, and will remind you how far left the British left is compared to the U.S. left. It’s also about 45 minutes long. I haven’t yet seen all of it, but what I have seen was entertaining and interesting.

Washington Post: HPV Vaccine Should Be Used On Girls And On Boys
I quite agree. Via Noli Irritare Leones.

Sugar, Spice, and a Can of Whoop-Ass: Men Do So Have A Choice

Ezra Klien: Republican Senator Thinks That People With $5 Million Dollars Are Middle Class Or Poor
How nice to work in a field in which being unbelievably stupid isn’t a barrier to advancement.

Daily Kos: Karen Minnis is Oregon’s Tom Delay

Alternet: On The Tragedy of Student Debt

Noli Irritare Leones: Is The Word “Neo-Con” Anti-Semitic?
Read the comments, too.

The Head Heeb: The Stupid Thing To Do

Military force can be used intelligently, in a way that combines with diplomacy to achieve political goals. It can also be used stupidly, causing pointless death and ultimately harming the attacker’s own objectives. It’s possible for force to be legal and proportionate, and still be stupid. The attack on Qana was stupid.

Majikthise: Robert Fisk on Israel and Lebanon

Obsidian Wings: Israel, Lebanon, And The Apparently Limitless Incompetance Of The Bush Administration

Hey, I didn’t know Barbara Ehenreich has a blog!

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3 Responses to Link Farm & Open Thread #33

  1. Pingback: The Headpiece for the Staff of Ra

  2. Pingback: feminist blogs

  3. Pingback: Israel/Lebanon Conflict

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