Monday baby blogging: Fred And Ginger Edition

Silas and his mom dance the afternoon awayTime to start posting pictures from my recent trip to New York. I have pictures from dinner with various bloggers and blog-commenters, but first things first: If it’s Monday, it must be baby blogging time.

Instead of Sydney and Maddox, this week we have my sister Allison’s kids, Silas and Jemma. (Although he hasn’t been seen here as often as Sydney and Maddox, Silas was the star of the very first baby blogging post I ever did — October 16, 2002, when he was born. My goodness, I’ve been blogging a really long time.)

It was about a thousand degrees outside, so of course we went to a farmer’s market – no kidding, this is the sort of thing my relatives do for entertainment. It wasn’t just my sister Allie – my brother-in-law Tim, my parents, my aunt and uncle Myra and Tom – they were all like, “Yay! A chance to sweat while looking at vegetables in stalls – how cool is that?” What weirdos I’m related to. Why can’t they do something normal with their free time? You know, like hanging out in comic book stores, or writing a blog for four years. Stuff like that.

Anyway, there was a little jazz band there, and Silas and his mom (my sister) got to dancing. This is why I love digital cameras – my style of photography is to point the camera in what I hope is the right direction and then hit the shutter button as many times as I can. I took about 40 pictures of Silas and Allison dancing, and this is my favorite one.

More pics below the fold.

Jemma and her mom dance the afternoon away

Of course, after Silas was through, there was nothing for it but for Jemma to dance with her mom, too. My big sister, the belle of the ball.

Silas and Jemma stare into the headlights

Silas and Jemma, gazing in rapt wonder at the band. Or maybe it was a passing dog, I forget. The truth is, Jemma and Silas gaze in rapt wonder at pretty much anything that passes by – it’s pretty adorable. Anyhow, I really like this photo.

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2 Responses to Monday baby blogging: Fred And Ginger Edition

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Q Grrl says:

    Someone’s raising that kid right if he’s already wearing a Donna the Buffalo T-shirt!


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