Monday baby blogging: Sydney Watches TV While Amp Naps

Sydney watches TV while Amp takes a nap
Photo by Bean..

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3 Responses to Monday baby blogging: Sydney Watches TV While Amp Naps

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. David says:

    Treasure this. I have shots like this with both my boys. They are now 19 and 14. They wouldn’t be caught dead in the same room with me at this point, unless large quantities of greasy (free) food are involved.

    They find it hard to believe that the kids in the photos are actually them.

  3. Dianne says:

    Syndey, cute. Amp sleeping on the couch, cute. Sydney lying on Amp while he sleeps on the couch…arrgh! cute overload! Dangerously high levels of cuteness. I’ve been waiting for the comments to be fixed for days to be able to say that.

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