Monday Baby Blogging: Hanging Out

Sydney playing under a bunk bed.

Sydney’s a jock, that’s all there is to it. She loves running, she loves climbing, she loves lifting big things, she loves swings. Here, she hangs out under my bunk bed.

Sydney playing under a bunk bed.

I love her expression in this photo.

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7 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Hanging Out

  1. Pingback: feminist blogs

  2. Kaethe says:

    That expression is excellant. Go Sydney! Be strong, be fearless, swing with glee!

  3. Dianne says:

    I don’t know that this is baby blogging any more. Look at the size of Sydney! Not to mention her competence. Toddler blogging.

  4. Raznor says:

    The first one looks like she’s flying.

  5. Ampersand says:

    I don’t know that this is baby blogging any more. Look at the size of Sydney! Not to mention her competence. Toddler blogging.

    I know what you mean – Sydney turns three next month. Three! It’s scary, how fast it’s gone by.

    But “toddler blogging” just doesn’t have that all-important alliterative appeal. Plus, there’s still Maddox, who turns one later this month – still arguably in babyhood. So I’m gonna drag out the “baby blogging” think a little while longer. :-)

  6. Daran says:

    Nice computer. What are its specs?

    And can you get that kid out of the way, so we can get a proper look?

  7. Kim (Basement Variety) says:

    My favorite thing about Sydney doing this is her frequent exclamation “I’m strong!”

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