Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox's First Birthday


Yesterday was Maddox’s first birthday. And also Kim’s (aka Mommy’s) birthday (but not her first). (Today, incidentally, is my nephew Silas’ birthday).

Anyhow, it was party time! Lots more pics below the fold.


Gotta love the hat.


Sydney was quite cheerful, even though it wasn’t her birthday. Cake is cake.


We went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner before all these photos were taken, and the family at the next table had a small infant (I’d guess 6 months old). Sydney kept on waving and making faces at the infant, trying to get it to smile. The cuteness element was notable.


Oh yeah. This is what being a birthday girl is all about.


Cake-splattered clothes removed, it’s time for the other important business of the day. Sydney feels no shame at all about bogarting her little sister’s presents.


One of many reasons it’s fun to hang out with small children: they’re still impressed by juggling.


I love this photo Charles took – it really looks like Maddox is doing a really difficult juggle with those balls.

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9 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox's First Birthday

  1. Kate L. says:

    Happy Birthday Maddox!
    Gotta love the cake picture – it’s a must have :) Also gotta love the roll a rounds, they are definitely a favorite in this house. Hope you don’t have couches that they can roll under, cause THAT is a PITA. :) Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!

  2. Barbara says:

    Happy Birthday Maddox and her mommy too! Thate “aerial” view of the girls opening presents is the best!

  3. Sarahlynn says:

    One already! Wow. Great photos!

  4. soopermouse says:

    A warning to all Pony like posters:

    if I read ONE inane comment regarding child abuse or other shit on this post, I will hunt you down and kill your worthless asses on spot.

    Looooovely pics Amp.

  5. Aaron V. says:

    I agree with soopermouse in post #4. Be civil, or be silent.

    Great pictures! I’m glad I could help steadying Maddox!

  6. Barbara says:

    P.S. Are those pull-ups that Sydney is wearing? What a great day that is when they finally arrive at that particular milestone!

  7. Ampersand says:

    Nope, just ordinary diapers. Sydney is cheerful enough about the theory of using the potty, but she’s not there in practice yet.

  8. La Lubu says:

    Happy Birthday Maddox! And Happy Birthday Kim! Chinese food, cake and ice cream, and presents—naah, it doesn’t get any better!

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