Battlestar Gallactica Executive Producer to Remake Bionic Woman
On the one hand, why?
But on the other hand, I assumed that the remake of Battlestar Gallactica was going to be lousy, too. I was wrong. Really, it makes more sense to use lousy TV shows as fodder for remakes than it does to use good ones.
As long as this doesn’t become an excuse for more of the robot-woman fetish already on ample display in BSG ((A possibility Elkins pointed out to me.)), I suppose a new Six-Trillion ((Inflation.))-Dollar-Woman could be okay.
Mmmm, robot women.
Hope for nerds everywhere. :P
Jamie was always cooler than Steve anyways. I just hope this new Jamie isn’t as depressive.
I liked the glass-cutter fingernail. Hope it comes back.