Police Rape

Another former police officer is currently standing trial for historical rape charges (if you want more context for the ‘another’ read this post. In 1988 he handcuffed a woman who was giving him a lift home, took her into the police station and raped her multiple times.

I know there are many more women who have been raped by police officers. I know because they’ve told me. By e-mail, in comment threads, and in person. I only wish women who had been raped by police officers could count on people believing them.

I know that only the tiniest fraction of the women who were raped by police officers will ever get to tell their story. An even smaller fraction will have it believed. That women are prepared to come forward, after the way Louise Nicholas was treated, is an amazing testament for their courage, and their fight for justice.

There is one note in all this that gives me hope. It is the defence, not the prosecution, who is reminding the jury to put the trial of Bob Schollum, Brad Shipton, and Clint Rickards out of their mind. Those men were found of not guilty of the charges. The defence lawyer wants exactly the same result as their lawyers achieved, but he thinks that he will only achieve that if they

People believe that Clint Rickards, Bob Schollum and Brad Shipton are guilty; they believe Louise Nicholas. Defence lawyers think that the trial that became ‘the Louise Nicholas’ trial will make juries more likely to believe women and convict rapists.

That’s a huge step forward.

Also posted on Capitalism Bad; Tree Pretty

Comments on this post are only open to those who are feminists, pro-feminists or feminist friendly.

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6 Responses to Police Rape

  1. Agnostic says:

    I wasn’t going to comment because I have nothing to say but “What happened: Bad. The fact that this is now going to trial: Good. The one note that gives Maia hope: Also good.”

    But since no one else has commented, I thought I’d post to say that. I suppose that it’s inevitable that the large majority of posts that get lots of comments are ones that spark controversy, and that people tend not to want to make “yeah, me too” comments, but sometimes “yeah, me too” comments are good to make.

  2. KH says:

    It’s worth noting that prostitutes, drug users, etc. – women outside the protection of the law – are esp. vulnerable to all manner of sexual coercion by the police, among others.

  3. Hope says:

    I was reporting my car stolen when 2 police officers came to the location of the missing car and determined that my car was in fact towed. They offered to drive me to the towing company and drove me down by the water. They parked the car and started taking my clothes off. I started screaming but they held me down. I told them that is they raped me they would have to kill me because I would tell everyone. They punched me over and over and kicked me out of their car. I had no idea where I was. I escaped the rape but am terrified of leaving my house. I trust nobody and want to kill myself.

  4. Angela says:

    At the age of 15 ( I am now 50), I was babysitting for a woman who was dating a police officer. He came over while she was at work and gave me an animal tranquilizer. I was very aware of what he was doing to me all through the rape, yet I was paralyzed. I could not move. He raped me and left. I could have died, had he accidentally overdosed me. As animal tranquilizers used as rape drugs were unheard of then, no one belived me. Instead I was accused of being a willing partner. The officer, Jeff Flamonde, was 28 at the time. Later, when his methods and other’s like him were exposed, it was too late for me to file charges, as the statute of limitations had run out. I wish the law would change. angela

  5. curiousgyrl says:


    that is a horrible story, and I’m sorry that happened.

  6. Pingback: FAIL: Call the Police, Go to Jail « Off Our Pedestals

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