Monday Baby Blogging: Witch and Cavegirl

Scary Fairy and Cavegirl Confer

Halloween… a time for costumes and candy. Also a time for going outside in freezing wind and tramping from door to door like oddly-dressed beggars. Every time a car passed us Sydney pretended to be scared, screaming “monster!” and clutching me or her Dad hard. But it was fun.

Sydney the Witch!

At the dollar store, Sydney picked out the witch hat herself. Kim created the rest of the costume from scratch, modeling it loosely on the “Scary Godmother” TV show (based on a comic book by Jill Thompson) that Sydney’s a fan of.

Just before we went out trick or treating, we were hanging out inside our door – where we had, of course, a large basket full of candy for trick or treaters. Sydney immediately knelt down next to the basket and began systematically transferring candy bars, one by one, into her own stash. She definitely “gets” Halloween a lot more now than she did a year ago.

Sydney scores! (Photo by Jenn Lee)

Here’s a photo Jenn Lee took when we dropped by her house. (Also living there: Kip, Dylan, and Anne). Note the super-cool wings Kim made by cutting up a $1 plastic spiderweb and gluing it onto felt.

(You can see more photos of our visit to Jenn’s household on Jenn’s Flckr page).

Cavegirl is happy to have no idea what's going on.

Maddox is wearing a hand-me-down cavegirl outfit that Sydney wore two years ago. Maddox hasn’t a clue what’s going on, but as usually she’s cheerful about the bewildering things the grown-ups make her do.

Maddox walks on her own!

But here’s a cool new development: Maddox is now walking on her own, without touching anything. She can walk across a room without falling – it’s really cool. Unfortunately, this means that she’s begun the inevitable journey from being “the easy one to babysit” to being “oh, hell, where did Maddox get to?”

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5 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Witch and Cavegirl

  1. Kate L. says:

    “she went from being the easy one to babysit to, oh hell, where is maddox” I LOL :)

    If I may, can I add some pics of my own Halloween bee.

    Don’t ask what she was doing with the broom -despite what would seem to be a genetic predisposition to be a slob, she is the cleanest child I’ve ever met. Sweeping is one of her favorite activites.

    Here’s another one. I can’t resist love kids Halloween costumes.

    Kim – you did an excellent job on Sydney’s costume. I myself cheated this year and ordered a gently used costume from Ebay, but hey, it was quick and cheap.

    (Amp – if you’d prefer I not hog baby blogging with my own pics, feel free to delete this – I won’t be offended!)

  2. Ampersand says:

    If I may, can I add some pics of my own Halloween bee.

    Oh my god, that is soooo adorable. What’s her name?

  3. Kate L. says:

    Maya. She was “Maya the Bee” apparently there was a children’s cartoon show and that was the main character. My husband watched it as a child in Poland (it was an American show) and he loved it – it’s partly how he agreed to her name, and he really wanted her to be Maya the Bee.

  4. Misty says:

    Too cute!!

    I am so happy the rain held off until the next day. *whew*

  5. ScottM says:

    Looks like a great Halloween– glad Sydney was able to lead you to the stashes.

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