More photos below the fold!
We began by going to Chuckee Cheese, a restaurant whose mascot is a gigantic rat. Ewwwww. Sydney loved the place, though. Here she’s trying out one of those cars that rock back and forth but don’t actually go anywhere (what a cheat!).
And then it was time to eat some of that infamous Chuckee’s pizza. The sauce and cheese were actually okay, but the crust was not only mealy, on one side of the pie it wasn’t fully cooked.
See? What did I tell you? Giant rat. Sydney is just begging to lose a thumb, in this picture.
I wish I hadn’t run out of pics before Sydney started playing skeetball. She couldn’t throw the balls far enough to get into the hoops, so she walked up the lane to a few feet away from the hoops, and threw from there. (She didn’t know enough to choose a high-scoring hoop to aim at, though, so she still got the lowest score possible.)
Sit still long enough and a dragon’s bound to alight on your head. Paging Anne McCaffrey!
Look at them curls! We should shave Sydney’s head and sell the hair, we’d make a mint. ((Actually, one of the other guests told a story about her two-year-old girl – who had long, lovely hair – being taken for a weekend visitation by the father, and then being returned with a mohawk. “And it wasn’t even a good mohawk!,” her mother complained. The girl in question now has a very cute short haircut, kindof partway between a pageboy and 1970s Mia Farrow.))
Back at home and a dress change later, Sydney grabs a quick spoonful of birthday cake. Kim got these party hats that are supposed to look like pirate hats, but to me they looked more like big pastries on people’s heads.
More birthday photos next week!
So, judging from the first picture, I take it her birthday present involved an alchemist being sent in to transform her into some sort of chimaeric equine baby? I’ll admit that’s pretty cool, but I think she’ll regret it when she enters school.
Now if Sydney had been wearing the other end of the horse costume on her head, she could be Cheney’s Mini-Me. :)