Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox Pics From Sydney's Third Birthday

Boy, I’m sure milking Sydney’s third birthday for a lot of Baby Blogging posts… Actually, Sydney and Maddox are currently out-of-state (visiting grandparents for the holidays), so I’m currently very toddler-deprived.

Anyhow, on to the cute pics.

Maddox rides the merry-go-round.

Here is Maddox on the merry-go-round at Chuckee Cheese. Did Maddox enjoy it? I dunno. I said “hey, let’s put Maddox on the horsey, that’ll be a cute picture,” and we did, and it was. Maddox grinned and enjoyed it, but Maddox pretty much grins and enjoys all of existence; her basically happy nature is, I think, her most striking personality trait. She’d have grinned just as much if we had plopped her down in a dusty corner with an empty coke bottle to play with.

Maddox on the Chukee Cheese stage. Yes, that is a giant mechanical anthropomorphic duck in the background.

Maddox on the Chukee Cheese stage. Yes, that is a giant mechanical anthropomorphic duck in the background.

Maddox eats and grins, grins and eats. Along with sleeping and shitting, actually, this is pretty much all Maddox does.

And what kind of toddler birthday party would it be without some messy eating?.

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7 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox Pics From Sydney's Third Birthday

  1. Ampersand says:

    No, no, I just was too lazy to google it to find out the correct spelling.

  2. Robert says:

    Or to look up at the sign, menus, employee badges, etc.

    I had thought you were sticking it to the man by refusing to grant him Google cred. Fight the mousy power!

    Lileks says their pizza has made a major improvement, from utter crap to just kind of crap. Thoughts?

  3. Barbara P says:

    bean –

    Well, if he were trying to thwart the search engines, didn’t you mess him up by typing it correctly in the comments?

  4. Dianne says:

    She’d have grinned just as much if we had plopped her down in a dusty corner with an empty coke bottle to play with.

    Probably. Empty coke bottles (hopefully you mean the plastic ones) have great amusement value, especially if accompanied by adults who can be bopped with said bottles. And the chance to get nice and messy is not to be missed by any toddler.

  5. Sara (nanny) says:

    OKAY I miss these girls so much! Not to mention Kim and Matt. I can’t wait until they get back!

  6. Ampersand says:

    Me, too, Sara! It’s unfair of them to take the girls away from the important people – by which I mean, US!

  7. Kate Deviny says:

    Thank you for putting up the pictures of Maddox-she is adorable as usual.

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