Still sick (although mostly better). Also, basement flooded. Thousands of dollars of damages. Contractors, contractors, contractors. Insurance. Not a good week, as far as I’m concerned.
Anyhow, in that context, I hope folks will understand how baby blogging might end up being a day late. :-)
This isn’t a great photo of Sydney, but what I love about it is all the iconography that might be meaningful on its own — the space rifle ((Sydney likes to fire the zap gun at adults; if the adult pretends to die in agony, Sydney finds that especially hysterical.)), the ghost doll, the Flintstones-style dress, the red fingernails — but which, placed together, defies any attempt to find a coherent meaning.
Gotta love a big pen. Remember when she was bald?
I don’t know…coherent meaning, coherent meaning…Syndey, Earth’s last, best, hope for survival prepares to battle the Evil Alien Invaders. She wears a Flintstone vest to remind herself of the primal power of the human species. In her hand she carries a ghost doll, avatar of those who have died fighting the invaders and a symbol of the lost past. Her painted fingernails remind her of the little luxuries of Earth at peace and serve as a symbol of hope for the future. Go Syndey! Zap ’em!
Ah, yes contractors. Welcome to the wonderful world of contractors. I’m working with one right now to rebuild a corner of my garage that was destroyed a month ago by a hit and run driver. Hopefully, the contract will be set this week. Fingers crossed. Hope it works out for you and the basement.
Dianne, good job, but I think the red fingernails are necessary to affirm her femininity, even when she is killing aliens, she likes to be girly, it makes her more empowerful.
Aw, cute baby…
The polo neck she’s wearing is very French, very Madeline. Brave alien-battling Sydney channels the spirit of La Resistance?
Sorry to hear about your basement. Having it happen while you’re already not feeling well sucks even more. Just try not to kill the contractors, tempting as it will undoubtably be.
OMG. I am *such* a sucker for kids. She is so damned adorable. I never found an age when I didn’t just adore my children (now 24, 22, 20) but this age might be the most precious of all!
Go get ’em, Sydney!
(Amp, hoping you’re feeling better already)