I wish I was Catholic, so I'd know where to go to get forgiven.

You know, I remember years ago, the Village Voice had an excellent article on how the “wilding” teens who confessed to raping the “central park jogger” hadn’t really confessed. The confessions were a combination of coercion and simple fakes by the cops. I thought the article was pretty convincing. The press rhetoric around the case quickly became filled with that nasty combination of racism and hating-the-young, and I thought that was pretty annoying.

Even so, I accepted that the accused were guilty. I thnk pretty much everyone did at the time, even leftists like me who should have known better. As someone later said about O.J., it seemed “they framed a guilty man.” Besides, you don’t want to be going on about the cops conspiring to frame a bunch of innocent black teens, because, y’know, that kind of talk makes you look nutty.

Sisyphus Shrugged has the skinny (via the Washington Post), but here’s the short version: DNA tests have proven that the so-called “wilding teens” didn’t rape the central park jogger. They were totally innocent. They were totally framed. And I totally bought into their guilt.

Is there any chance the cops who framed those kids will see the inside of a prison? I doubt it.

As Sisyphus says, “I feel frozen right now.”.

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