Well, smeared only a little bit. With magic marker ink. Sydney was the one that did it; tune in next week to see what Sydney did to herself with the markers. (Well, with a little help from her friends.)
More below the fold.
Not that Maddox minded being marker-smeared. It was attention, attention is good, attention from Sydney doubly good. (Maddox is fascinated by Sydney; Sydney, in turn, alternates between ignoring Maddox, considering Maddox a minor feature of the world to be commented on for small-talk purposes (i..e, “Look, I made you a snowman. What’s that? Oh. Look, Maddox is crying. I like your belly.” Etc, etc.), and playing with Maddox. What they both agree on is that whatever toy the other one is playing with, is the toy that I want! And I want it! Right! Now!)
Shortly before these photos were taken, Maddox and Sydney were crawling on me in my bedroom as I tried to have an IM chat with a friend who lives in Tolkienland. ((I think it’s called New Zealand in the quaint dialect spoken by some Tolkeinland residents.)) I gave up using the computer under the circumstances as a hopeless endeavor, and said loudly “Okay, let’s go to the TV room!” Sydney immediately charged out of the room — there is no word for how Sydney typically moves from room to room other than “charge” — yelling, “Let’s go!” Which was typical (albeit cute). What surprised me and Bean (Bean was there too) was that Maddox then struggled off of my lap and toddled out the door, crying “leeeh gaaah!”
So there’s a lot of cuteness going on, or there was on Sunday. Things are bit less cute today, as both of them have colds and have turned into HUMAN SNOT MACHINES. Seriously, I bet if we collected all the snot one of these kids can produce during a cold, we’d have enough material there to build a third child. Not that we want a child made of nothing but snot, mind you.
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These are adorable pictures, and I must say that that is the most beautiful baby I’ve ever seen (don’t tell my new baby cousin I said so).