This little girl totally cracked me up. Here on Youtube. Thanks, Bean!
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…
This little girl totally cracked me up. Here on Youtube. Thanks, Bean!
You go, little girl! You don’t have to be nice to monsters. None of us should need to be nice to monsters.
Loved this! Thanks for posting it.
I loved this video. Sadly, I’d put money on the idea that a lot of people who find it funny do so in a “oh how cute, she’s a little kid who doesn’t know anything yet” kind of way. “One day she’ll learn that it’s not nice to not let the monster kick your ass.”
Heck yeah! Kick the monster’s ass!
Man, I sure hope that my theoretical future daughters learn to kick the monsters’ collective asses.
Hmm . . . Step 1: a steady diet of Buffy DVDs . . .
Heh Myca my friend has a toddler, who I call ‘the frog’ and love very much. I’ve decided I’m in charge of introducing him to TV. We occasionally have debates about what would be a suitable age to start watching Buffy. I suggest 7, she comes back with 17.
I’ve been passing around this video to practically everyone I know. What I love is that she fully expects monsters to come out of the TV to kick her ass. Metaphorically, I think monsters come out of the TV to kick our asses everyday so she’s not that far off.
“…You should say “Kick his butt.” ” Ooooooooooooooo.”
That was hysterical! Frankly, I can not WAIT to enroll my daughter and myself in martial arts and self-defense classes. (She’s only 2 right now.) A long time ago, I met a teenage girl who had earned a black belt along with her mother. I fully intend to do the same thing with my girl as soon as she’s old enough to take classes. Until then, she can mimic me while I follow along with my kick-boxing videos.
Pingback: How to Deal with Monsters (Shakesville)
I’ve always wanted to be the ‘bad uncle’ who gives my nieces and nephews cigars and sneaks them into R-rated films, but the part where I would never actually do that gets in the way.
The desire to be W. C. Fields is there, but the details are an issue.
I’m on your side in this.
Heck, when the show started, the main characters were 15 or 16, right? Well, if they’re old enough to slay vampires at that age, they’re old enough to watch vampires get slain.
Myca and Maia,
On the Buffy Thing….I’ve never watched it, but I have a story about kids and Buffy.
Two years ago when my step son (5.5 years old) was at our house. He wanted to play the Buffy Video Game with his Dad. Daddy and I debated a little. I said no; he said yes. Then, Branden said he watched the show with his mother and wasn’t afraid, so my husband made the final decision–yes.
The next morning my husband wakes me up and says, Rachel did you turn on all the lights in the house and open Branden’s window? I said, no I was sleeping. So he goes to Branden, “Branden did you turn on the lights and open your window?” Branden said, “That monster was trying to get me.”
My husband turns around and looks at me, and I have my biggest I told you so grin on my face. Then, I said, “We can’t play Buffy anymore.” He still wanted to play, but we both said no this time.
Fast forward to last week. He is visiting our house after a not having been here since summer 2005 (never mind all of the twisted reasons for that). Nobody has told him anything about Buffy. He’s now 7. I’m driving him home, and only about 15 minutes after we pick him up, he says, “I’m not afraid of that Buffy anymore.”
Then he proceeded over the next two days to beg his dad for the Buffy video game about 100 times. Daddy gave it to him, but I still thought he was young. That’s being the stepmother. You get input, but if both the other two disagree, you shut up.
Maybe I’m affected by not seeing the show, but I did see the video game and didn’t like it for a kid.
Aww! Can I keep her?
Never watched Buffy but this video made me want to have a kid for the first time in my life. That feeling lasted about a half a second.