Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox At The Glasses Store


Mommy needed new glasses, so we all trucked down to the glasses store (well, the glasses section inside Wal-Mart). I’ve never met a baby who didn’t like trying on glasses.

More below the fold…



I love Sydney running around like mad in these last two photos!


It’s easy to forget just how tiny a one-year-old is, but look at the size of her head compared to the size of Daddy’s hand in this photo. It’s amazing.

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6 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox At The Glasses Store

  1. Ledasmom says:

    Is that Sydney running around in the background? Cute!
    But will you look at the arms on Maddox! Looks like that kid is building up some serious muscle there.

  2. Tom Nolan says:

    Maddox looks seriously academic to me. All her expressions in this sequence belong to the professorial repertoire. They are:

    pic 1 “Hey, that’s a genuinely interesting contribution. Good for you!”

    pic 2 “”This seminar is going nowhere. Get me out of here.”

    pic 3 “Let’s stop speculating, shall we, and take a look at the data.”

    pic 4 “I don’t like feeling superior, but in your presence I just can’t help it.”

  3. Robert says:

    I think the sequence is actually:

    “Sure, I’ll be glad to look at your research. Let me get my glasses…”

    “Huh. You do realize that this is all crap, don’t you?”

    “God, it’s a beautiful day out there. Screw this, let’s go outside.”


  4. Rachel S. says:

    I just went to the glasses store too; well, not the Walmart glasses store, but the optometrist. I dragged my guy there too. Even with insurance the cost was about $600 for the both of us.

  5. An absolutely adorable little girl. In the immortal words of Carl Sandburg, “A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.”

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