Another photo from our trip to the glasses store. I can’t think of the right caption or thought balloon to go with this photo, but Sydney’s expression here really cracks me up.
This is kind of neat; I drew a smiley face on a balloon and showed it to Sydney. A few minutes later, she came back with this balloon, which she had drawn a smiley face on. This balloon was the first time I’ve seen Sydney draw a recognizable person, rather than just squiggles.
And by the way, Sydney agrees with Ashanti; this music video is awesome.
“Tunak Tunak” is a total sensation – if you search on YouTube, there are so many clips – of all kinds of different people – busting the “Tunak Tunak” dance!
I can’t think of the right caption or thought balloon to go with this photo,
She looks sort of stern and skeptical to me, like maybe a librarian saying, “Now Mr. Deutsch, you do realize that this book is 463 weeks overdue and you now owe the library enough to pay for a new building, don’t you?” Or maybe a professor saying, “So you’re telling me that this work is all original to you and the five copies I found for sale on the internet with a Google search are just a coincidence?” Or maybe a cop asking, “Do you know how fast you were driving?”
Ashanti is totally thrilled to be mentioned here, Amp :)
maisnon, that’s how she found the video. She was looking through YouTube for videos of WoW characters dancing, and yes, there are characters who dance just like Mehndi, to the same music.
LOLZ! Such an adorable little darling you’ve got there… Badly missing my youngest niece…
She looks like my first-grade teacher. I loved my first grade teacher, Mrs. Perron.
Given that we are seeing a replay of Day of the Triffids around here in the Chicago area, I’d be interested to see if she has found any bugs to play with.
The 17-year cicadias are out in full force. There are billions. Literally. I live near a 2000 acre forest preserve and there’s this low menacing background noise coming from the south like you hear in any science fiction B-movie just before the ugly/nasties rise up and start eating people. At 10:30 AM last Saturday I was working outside and had to go inside and put earplugs in to go back out.
The kids are having a grand time playing with these bugs. They’re big and slow and don’t bite. The next-door neighbor kids had a bowl filled with them. Nanny had never seen them before either. I cautioned them not to bring them in the house. Lots of the kids are walking around wearing them.