Anyone want a slightly used politician?

I’ve decided New Zealand needs to export Maurice Williamson, one of our opposition politicians. Maurice Williamson recently joined the debate on the ‘obesity epidemic’:

If some people can’t lose weight no matter what. how come there were not fat people in the Nazi concentration camps?

Concentration camps? Of course that’s the solution to the ‘obesity epidemic’ why didn’t anyone think of it sooner. That’s the way to make my body socially acceptable.

Although rest assured Maurice Williamson doesn’t actually want to put us in concentration camps:

When Sainsbury asked Mr Williamson on air if it was wise to use such an analogy, the MP replied: “Maybe it wasn’t”.

But he said it was a good example of people getting a very low level of nutrients and working hard.

“No one’s saying put them in a concentration camp but it is important to know that if you are working hard burning calories and not taking them into your mouth you won’t put on weight.”

He does understand that people died from having a low level of nutrients and working hard doesn’t he?

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11 Responses to Anyone want a slightly used politician?

  1. A.W. says:

    The idiocy, it hurts my eyes.

    “He does understand that people died from having a low level of nutrients and working hard doesn’t he?”

    No, I don’t think he does. He missed the point that calories are needed so your body doesn’t doesn’t start to consume itself as well, when you’re burning that much energy. No one’s going to want that used politician, perhaps he’d be better of being recycled as something much less harmful. Maybe a cashier at the Dairy Queen.

  2. Dianne says:

    Anyone want a slightly used politician?

    No, thank you. I’m from the US and we’ve got plenty of incredibly stupid politicians of our own without importing them from New Zealand. I do hope that you (collective you, not you personally) are going to deal with him in the manner most appropriate for politicians who make comments that stupid in public: vote the bum out.

  3. B.Adu says:

    Thankfully the leader of his party had the good sense to apologise for his insensitivity. You can dismiss him as an idiot, you may be correct, but plenty of people who are extremely kind learned and intelligent also prostitute the Shoah in this way to score a cheap point.

    It illustrates the degrading effects of this ‘obesity crisis’ not only on the fat, but on those that choose to take part in it’s cult like idiocies, I’m surprised these often thoughtful, intelligent and good people are more shocked by themselves.

  4. Is that even true?

    I bet there were some fat people in concentration camps. It can take a while to starve to death. And in fact, starvation doesn’t always mean skinny. There’s that weird belly, the distended abdomen, that some starving people get.

  5. joe says:

    People like this are a perfect reason to be leary of government.

  6. mythago says:

    but plenty of people who are extremely kind learned and intelligent also prostitute the Shoah in this way to score a cheap point

    So what? “There are other assholes just like him” proves what, in your opinion?

  7. B.Adu says:

    “There are other assholes just like him”

    Mythago, in this case, I do not agree, it’s too easy to pretend that everyone that talks in this way, is a bad person, if only, this really is the evil of good people, using excuses to degrade any principle that gets in the way of their attack.

    I’ve seen and heard it too many times from too many decent people, including people that cared about me. If it ‘proves’ anything, it is that this ‘obesity crisis’, is an intrinsically degenerate concept, as that is the effect that it has on anyone that buys into it, fat or thin good and not so good alike, it brings out the worst in everyone that dallies with it. It is about time that people started to notice that, whatever their feelings toward fatness and fat people. To dismiss the people that buy into this as assholes will not wash, it suggests that there is a nice version of this, letting nice people off the hook.

  8. No offence, but you can keep that particular politician. We have enough crazies of our own over here.

    Concentration camps as a health aid? Um, yeah, that’s a great idea…

    Did this guy recently suffer a terrible concussion or has he always been this dumb and prone to hyperbole?

  9. A.J. Luxton says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember reading somewhere that the extreme degree of emaciation seen in the most famous concentration camp photos is due to the fact that, near the end of the war, the Nazis infected everyone with cholera as an experiment. Maybe it’ll be a new hit crash diet.

    (Er, that last line was supposed to be in ironic ‘did I just say that?’ strikeout, but the HTML did not cooperate. Oh well.)

  10. Pingback: Birthcycle » If you’re reading my blog, I’m assuming that I’m the fat person you like.

  11. Elle says:

    Oh yes. The solution for our “obesity epidemic” is anorexia and cholera. F-ing brilliant.

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