Monday Baby Blogging: Sydney Painted Her Face


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8 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Sydney Painted Her Face

  1. In theory, the above comment was going to be a heart. It didn’t quite work out that way…I vividly remember receiving my lesson in hearts, but clearly the actual lesson didn’t sink in so well.

    I rode my bike past the state fair last week and thought of Sydney. Shortly afterwards, my handlebars broke. I don’t think the two are related.

  2. Karen says:

    I think you need to tweak your post title, Amp. The young lady is clearly no longer a baby. (Wish I’d had the courage to do that at that age… my mother would’ve gone into orbit. I hope Sydney’s mom is a bit more relaxed about such things.)

  3. Ampersand says:

    I know what you mean, Karen… 3 years old is no longer a baby. I guess I should start calling the ones with Sydney “Monday Kid Blogging” or something. (Maddox is still qualified as a baby, I think.)

  4. Myca says:

    Tuesday Toddler Blogging would preserve the alliteration.

    Or Saturday and Sunday Sydney Blogging!

    PLUS, then when she’s older, you could do Wednesday Woman Blogging!

    Clearly, I’m a genius.


  5. Yes you are, Myca. I was going to try to say something about alliteration and not changing it from “Baby Blogging,” but clearly I’m not enough of a genius for that on no sleep. Coffee helps. Don’t give coffee to babies, though.

  6. Maartje says:

    That’s really cute. And she’s got a great sense of colour too, with the purple/magenta gradient going on across her nose.

  7. acm says:

    what’s the magic of kids and face-painting? the ubiquity of this activity post-dates my own childhood, so I just can’t quite grok it . . .

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