The Erase Racism Carnival Will Be Here This Month!

[Bumped to the top by Amp!]

The 16th Erase Racism Carnival will be taking place here on “Alas” this month! ((So why am I making this announcement after I’ve quit blogging? I volunteered to do this before I quit, you see.))

There’s no special theme required;we just want to see blog posts published since July 27th having to do with “creating a world free of racism.” Please submit links to any good posts you know of, by email, by leaving a comment with this post, or by using the submission form at the Blog Carnival “Erase Racism” page.

Deadline is August 26th, and if all goes well the carnival will be posted by the end of the day on August 27th.

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One Response to The Erase Racism Carnival Will Be Here This Month!

  1. Aerik says:

    I look forward to seeing the new carnival. I may have something submitted Sunday night, too.

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