Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox And The Pug Puppy

Cuteness squared!


A friend brought over her seven-month-old pug puppy. At first I didn’t get out my camera, because Maddox and Sydney — while delighted to see the puppy — were also very shy of it, and would run squealing whenever Augustus (that’s the puppy’s name) approached. In Maddox’s case, the delight was so intense she actually seemed stoned, and did nothing but recite “puppy! puuuuppy! puuuppppy!” over and over for about ten minutes.

More below the fold.


But then they got over their shyness. Maddox, in particular, has always been less shy of animals than Sydney (even though Sydney is distressingly fearless in every other way). Soon Maddox was petting and then picking up Augustus.


Augustus, by the way, had a great time. He was really into the kids, and at one point was so eager to lick Sydney’s face that he ran onto and up Sydney, bowling her over. He doesn’t look too happy in this photo, though, does he?

(Sorry no photos of Sydney and the pug. Frankly, by the time I got my camera out, Maddox was bogarting the pug.)

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2 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox And The Pug Puppy

  1. Raznor says:

    Pic 2 is adorable.

    Pic 3, the pug doesn’t seem to be hating it either. He has that look that little dogs get when they’re picked up and just go with it, without necessarily loving it. I’ll pick up my parents’ 14 lb Coton de Tulear and hold him upside down in my arms, and he’ll just stretch out and accept it.

    But Maddox is absolutely delighted in those pics.

  2. WOw, I didn’t even realise how cute those pictures came out. Yes, I’m supposed to think she’s cute (Kim, Basement Variety posting from the treadmill), but damn. Cuteness cubed!

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