I’m really doing a lousy job of quitting blogging this week. :-P
Anyhow, Bitch PhD has the info you need to help override Bush’s veto of health care for poor children. Here’s some of it, please click through for the whole thing:
The good news is that the Senate has enough votes for SCHIP to override Bush’s asshole veto.
The bad news is that the House doesn’t. We need 25 more Representatives to act like decent human beings and switch their votes. [But that’s doable; this writer thinks that there are 46 “no” voters in the House who might change their mind, if their constituents are outraged enough. –Amp]
So. Do the decent thing. Go here and find out who your representative is.
Then scroll down the list below to see if his or her name is on it. These are the folks who voted against SCHIP.
Write them (you can do so via the first link, or you can google their name and find a real honest-to-god mailing address) and tell them to change their vote. That’s all you have to do.
Go read the rest at BitchPhd. And if your Rep is on her list, please send them an angry email.
Echidne writes:
What does Bush’s veto mean for those 6.6 million? In thirteen states they may become uninsured within a week or two and in yet another 23 states by the end of the fiscal year 2008.
By the way, although the House of Representatives is approximately 85% white, about 99% of the Representatives who voted against health care for poor kids are white. What a shock.
UPDATE: By the way, there was a legitimate reason to vote against SCHIP — the final version in the House discriminated against children of immigrants. But that ship has now sailed; it’s shitty that the version that passed the House was that one, but that’s what happened. Now that it has passed, overriding Bush’s veto is the thing to do.
When capitalized, "Sie" is the formal way to address adults of either gender in polite German. I majored in the…