Monday Baby Blogging: Hanging Off The Loft Bed


Sydney loves hanging off the side of the loft bed like this.

Odd milestone: For ages, Bean and I have been modeling the “see you later, alligator / in a while, crocodile” way of saying goodbye to Sydney (by saying goodbye to each other that way). For the last year or so, Sydney has been imitating us but not quite getting it: if you say “see you later, alligator” to Sydney on the way out of a room, she’d reply “see you later crocodile.”

But in the last week or two, she’s suddenly started responding “see you while crocodile.” Which still isn’t totally correct, but she suddenly gets that it’s supposed to rhyme.


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2 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Hanging Off The Loft Bed

  1. Sailorman says:

    kids love loft beds. We put one in our girls’ room and my middle child (about the same age as sid) does just that. The main problem of course is that soon she’ll be dangling upside down, or by her toes, or in other ways that will give you a coronary to watch ;)

    Heh. Great picture!

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