Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox And A Kitten


Maddox is simply animal-mad. Both the girls enjoy animals, but Sydney just enjoys animals as much as she enjoys a lot of other things, whereas nothing captivates Maddox more. Especially baby animals. Maddox’s favorite blog is Cute Overload, of course.

By the way, what would people think of switching the title from “Monday Baby Blogging” to “Tuesday Toddler Blogging,” so we could keep the alliteration? Or should I just jettison the alliteration thing and make it “Monday Toddler Blogging?,” so that people could keep on looking for this feature on Mondays? Clearly, the “baby” thing is getting less fitting all the time.

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6 Responses to Monday Baby Blogging: Maddox And A Kitten

  1. Bjartmarr says:

    By the way, what would people think of switching the title from “Monday Baby Blogging” to “Tuesday Toddler Blogging,” so we could keep the alliteration?

    OK. But you should still post it on Mondays.

  2. Doug S. says:

    I <3 kittens.

  3. Bonnie says:

    Alliteration = Yea!

  4. Kevin Moore says:

    Okay, now that is too goddam cute for words. I can’t take it. As if the kids aren’t cute enough, ya gotta throw in a kitten. A KITTEN!!!! Are you deliberately trying to chisel away at my hard shell of angry cynicism? Huh? HUH? I have worked a life time to cultivate this disposition, and you’re sweetening it!

    Darn you, sir. Darn you to heck!

  5. Kaethe says:

    Change it or not, but don’t stop posting the pictures. I heart photos of Sydney and Maddox. Hey: how ’bout Maddox Mondays and Sydney Sundays, and then we’d all get two fixes per week?

  6. Kit. Ten. I am reduced to bare syllables by the cuteness.
    Bay. Be.
    Kitt. En.

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