White Jury Acquits Guards Who Suffocated 14 Year Old Black Kid To Death

From Time Magazine’s website:

An uneasy sense of dèjá vu swept over Florida last week after an all-white jury acquitted seven juvenile boot camp guards and a nurse charged with aggravated manslaughter in the death of a black teen last year.

The shocking verdict came down despite a half hour of videotape that showed the guards hitting and kicking the 14-year-old, Martin Lee Anderson, and holding their hands over his mouth for as long as five minutes at a time, while the nurse stood by and watched. The jury seemed persuaded by the first and widely discredited autopsy report that blamed the boy’s death on a sickle-cell condition, even though a second autopsy ordered by the state had ruled Anderson died from suffocation (the Justice Department has since announced it will investigate whether federal civil rights violations charges should be brought in the case). “It’s wrong!” Anderson’s mother, Gina Jones, shouted as she stormed out of the Panama City courtroom after the verdict was read. The Anderson decision was reminiscent of another bewildering verdict five years ago, when three Florida state prison guards charged with stomping 36-year-old inmate Frank Valdes to death in his cell in 1999 were acquitted — even though the guards’ boot prints were found all over his back.

The crime Martin Anderson committed? He stole his grandmother’s car. As The Bias Committee points out, it’s hard to imagine a 14 year old middle-class white kid being sent to juvenile boot camp for that. Middle-class white kids get second chances, not boot camp.

First of all, stealing your grandmother’s car is joyriding, and when a white kid does it, particularly a white kid from one of those rolling green hill communities, the cops take him home and hand him over to the parents with a warning. So we can all agree that the original offense was an example of disproportionate sentencing. And then, and then, a death sentence.

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4 Responses to White Jury Acquits Guards Who Suffocated 14 Year Old Black Kid To Death

  1. curiousgyrl says:

    Wow. I hadnt heard about this. How horrible.

  2. donna darko says:

    This should be like Rodney King. There’s a videotape.

    Except this involved a 14-year-old kid. Who was killed.

  3. Radfem says:

    I remember a case where an intoxicated young White woman stole a police car and led the police on a chase before surrendering. I couldn’t believe some of the comments made by officers who appeared to feel sorry for her. I’m not surprised they felt that way but that they actually spoke about it to the press.

    Then there’s Devon Brown, Black and 13, who was shot to death by an LAPD officer after allegedly stealing a car and driving towards an officer(who actually was out of the vehicle’s path it turned out). The officer was ultimately exonerated by the department after there was split findings between the department and the city’s police commission.

  4. Pingback: Rad Geek People’s Daily 2007-10-28 – Corrections officers

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