Sartre’s Godless Philosophy and those of the Bourgeoisie

Lenin, of Lenin’s Tomb, blogs about Sartre and atheistic, or non-theistic, philosophy:

The trouble with the professional atheists or anti-theists these days is, apart from everything else that is bad and reductionist and ridiculous in what they write, that their apparently passionate commitment comes too cheap. It doesn’t require that they give anything up, change anything about themselves, or challenge anything fundamental about the society. They don’t have to engage in any analysis deeper than that which finds religious doctrine to be literally false, philosophically shallow, socially repressive and politically dangerous. Big deal. It never seems to have occurred to them that there might be more radical consequences of the absence centre of ontology than that you should support the teaching of evolution, not kill people for God, and support the right of knocked up teenagers to have abortions. Actually, there is nothing there but the regurgitation of bourgeois wisdom and morality, both of which are pretty contemptible.

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2 Responses to Sartre’s Godless Philosophy and those of the Bourgeoisie

  1. ferg says:

    “The trouble with the professional atheists or anti-theists these days is…”

    Actually, that is no trouble for us at all. It is however a major thorn in the crown worn by theists.

  2. Actually, Lenin is not criticizing atheists such as Hitchens and Harris because he is religious or is defending religion. In fact Lenin, as you could imagine, is a Marxist-Leninist, so he has no problem of criticizing religion. What he finds fault with many of the mainstream atheists is their not-so in depth analysis. They don’t go much further than saying that religion is evil and if one gets rid of religion one gets rid of much evil. Yet religion is an ideological super structure just like many other institutions in this world (mostly Western world) which hold up and support the present day social structure and which hold up and enshrine capitalism. Also, Lenin seems to be criticizing their upper-class and capitalistic outlook on religion and their solutions. I suggest one read the whole post because Lenin here is not a theist at all but is critical of theists and capitalists alike in blinding the working class and turning them away from working class struggle.

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